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MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 38. - Whon the eourl trying tho Hayward case adjournod yes terday afternoon Erwin sald he expected to conclude hls evidonce by noon today. Nye's closing will probably come in Monday or Tuesday at the farthest. Ho will talk all of onc day and perhaps more. Krwin oxpects to uso a part of two days, so the case can liardly go to tho jury I;fore sonie time next week. The most excitiiig part of the court session yesterday was in the aftcrnoon when Erwin made a final effort to get In his expert tcstimony regarding thn alloged insanity ol Adry layward. Again Erwin aid tho court held long argumenta, and wheti it wat over the uttorney had managed to get bofore tho jury the f act that soveral members of Adry's family had boen iasane; that a local physician had prescribed for a incmber of the family for Insanity, and that he held that Adry hal been the viotlm of lnsane dolusions foi years Wilson Charges Attewpt to Bribe. ïheoovirt stated that thoattorney might try to provo total insanity by any act at auy time, hut not partial. The intense publio feeting againat the defendant was shown during the argument. Once when the court sat down upon Mr. Erwin in a moro than usually forcibly manner and rulcd out the evideuce, the orowd, composod for the most part of womeu, broke into wild applause and the court became angrod. The evidence of the day was inostly coiifined to picking up shreds of testhnong a:id fitting it in corroboratlon of former witnessos. The only eiceptlon was in the case of M. D. Wilsou, who thruw a shcll into the camp of the deiense again, by stating that Attorney Sweetser, of the dcfense, had virtuaüy approached him with an offer of mouey if he wouid change his evidence. Sonie of the Facts ISrought Out. Sweetser denied it most emphatically afterward, and it will be left wlth the jury which to believe. Nye brought out the fact that Miss Wachtler, the scenographer who had startled the state with tho .issortion that Blixt had said that he and Adry put up tho job to kill Miss Ging, had been employed in Sweetser's office sinco her testimony was given. Harry Gilbert with üoosman, the liveryman, brought the record of the stableto -how that Harry hired a horso there the night of the holdup at !) o'cloek, and returned it withiu ati i hour. He showed that Harry had a rig there several timos that week. Adry Also Ilired Kig. One of the incidents of the testimony was when Freil Horst, of the postoffice alley livery Btablu swore that Adry Hayward hired a h rse at H p. m. on the date when Harry was held up last April and returned it at 10:30. This would have given him time to tako part in the holdnp of his brotherand Miss Ging and Miss Vedder, wtih whom Harry was driviug. The defense expects to show by other witnesses that Adry was seen near the sceue of the robbery that night. Sotuo More Alob lenionstrntions. There was an incident out of the ordinary as the prisoner was being taken froin the court room to the jail. There waa the usual crowd and while ho was passing some one from the outside threw into tho road a nooso made of evergreens. The prisoner walkcd over it, but appcared not to notice what it was.


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