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Council Proceedings

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Ann akhok, Micii., Feb. iio, 18. ( Adjourned sosston. Cal led to order by President Wines. Boll called. Quorum present. Absent - Aid. Bodnier, Wood and Ferguson. l'liTITIOXS. To the t ijiii in f) 11 Council : The onderslgned. your petitioners, would respect fully repreneiil to your honorable body that hey are tbc ownois of lots J and 2, Vtlock 4, smitli range, 2 last in said ciiy. Thai ftometime in the year 1892 the Rpurd of Pnbllo Work a oontruet iti writiL wltli your peti lionera to purcliasc ihexravH uu said lol. Snkl board nutre Ing in piiy Hierelor the sum Of 2MJ and lowr Mie uuoper shop on said premlses and replace the stone foundatiOU under the same. AKcrwanls said written contract was tbrown up hy tbe consent of both parties and an ornl cotitracl niadp wfvn the parties by'whlcu Í260 was to'bepaid ior the gravel and the city leave the lots irraded oiï In good conditum and grade and build tho sidewalk on Asliley street. Afterwaids wbej) notiee was served on your petitioneis to build u sldewHlk on Asliley street, they ealled the t tem Ion ol Mr. Suthcrland, the (streel eommUsioner, to the faot that the city wus to build tbesïdewalk, heanswered that it would be all rlght, that the city would build the walk. '1 lie city did build the walk and your petitioners were not aware until a few weoks asfowhen they wentto paythelr taxes that. the expense of building the walk was charged to them and ndded to tbelr taxes. Vour petitioners iherefore pray that your honorable body remil sueh tax and hokl your petitioners hannless on account of the saine. PHTHiipp JACOB N'isei., I.O1ISA VlSKI.. Ann Arbor, Feb;25th, 1x9j. Referred to the Finante Coinmittee. Report of special coinrnittee, to wliom was referred the matter ol' the c-ascs brought agoinet llie city by Spencer Crawford, Elizabeth Wolpert, Mary Detigler, Jacob Dengler, George I(jngler and llenrv Denglei', for damages on account of tlie cnttinii down of Nortli Fifth avenue, beg leave te sulmiit the following report, in view of the fait that no urade liad been established on said avenue before the excavation of the same. We therefore reeommend tliat the sum of $400 be appropriated froin the street futid and paid to ('has. II. Kline, attorney for the above plaintiifs as full satisfaction for all damages, claims and costs of said suitn. The i'e)Oi't was adopted as follows : Veas - Aid. Wajrner, Martin, Allmendiuger, Snvder, Brown, Manly, Tavlor, Kitson. rrettytnan, President Wines. - 10. Nays- Xonc. Aid. I'rettyman moved that Chapter II. of the propoáfed charter le sti-icken out. Adoptar!. Aid. Man)}' moved that Clvapter 111. he reconníiended st.ricken out. Adopted. Aid. Manly movcil that ChiU'ter 1'. be fcciimmiMided passcd. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved tliat lite wm-ds "President of the Council" be inserted after the word "Mayor," in line l.section 1, of Chapter V. Adopted. Aid. Wagner excused. Aid. Martin moved that the words "Pólice Justice" be stricken out in line 3, sectiou 1, Chapter Y. Adopted. Aid. Kitson moved that "Supervisor" be inserted after "Aldenueir' in sectiou 2, Chapter V. Adopted. Aid. Prettyman moved that the Comiikiii Council request Representativo Keuipf to use bis influence to defeat the bill for the reincorporation of certaiu cities as cities of the third class. The motion prevailed as follows : Yeas - Aid. Martin, Allmendiuger, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines. - 7. Nays - Aid. Snyder, Manly. - 2. Aid. Manly moved that the Common Council request Representative Kempf to move the striking out of all of the above bill after the enacting clause. The motion prevailed as follows : Yeas - Aid. Martin, Allmendini?er, Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, President - 9. Nays - None. By Aid. Manly : Sesolred. That a committee of three (of which the mayor shall be chairman) be appointed to visit Lansing at such time or times as shalt be necessary,and to use all honorable means to liave the oity charter amended, soas to comply wllh the proposed amendments, as adopted by this Council, all necessary expenses to be pald by the city. Further resolved that, the said committee use uil honorable means to cause the defeat of the bill now pending before the Legislature, known as a bill to providefor tliereiucorporation of certain uities as cities of tbird class. Upon Aid. Brown's objection the 7'esolution went over until next meeting. By Aid. AUmendinger: Resolved. That the action takcu by the Council at lts last regular meeting in regard to Prof. Charles E. Greene's salary be reconsiderad. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Martin, AUmendinger, Snyder, Brown, Kitson, Prettyman, President Wines - 7. Nays- Aid. Manly, Taylor.- 2. The following was the motion cousidered at the regular meeting of the Common Council of Feb. 4, 1895 : "Aid. Bodmer moved that the claim of Charles E. Greene against the city of $500 for services as consulting engineer be allowed.'' Aid. Manly objeeted to the consideration of the motion under Rule 20 of the "Rules of the Common Council." Aid. Taylor offered the following as a substitute to the motion : By Aid. Taylor: In consideration of the many servlepK ro dered to the City of Am, Arbor by ■L"; Chas. E. Greenein hls capacliy of Ml L?'" gineer beft revolved, thai the "nm of tí, be paid from the sewer fllnd tosaki .Í Greene in fnll lor all services to date. ' K The snhstitute prevailed as follow Yeas- Aid. Martin, AllinendinVer Snyder, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson' Prettyman, President Wines.- 9. Na. vs - None. City Clërk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News