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Dead Roll Grows

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City of Mexico, Maren .-The ratlvray accident is far worafl than flrst reporta indicated. At least 110 bodies have been recovered f rom the wreek, and ïuany still remain embedded in the debris. Many bruised and wounded passengors continuo to nrrive in this city from tho wreek. Many of tho wounded and Meeding were btought into the city on jthe reliet train, but huntlreds of those able to walk made the attempt to reach shelter in the surrounding villages and strung out 011 ihe way to this city in a pitiabU; procession. Many feil by the waysido and wortj afterwards pioked up maye dead than aliye by other relief trains, w!iicli f olio wed at intervals. Hundreds are stlll oamped at the scène, sitting around smull flrea kindled from tho wrockage. Many Feil by the Wayaide. Bleedlng pilgrlma are camped at places more distant from the disaster and others are cared fop bv the hospitable people of Los Keyes, Laoomanl and Ayotla. Just what the moitülity is it is impossible as yet to sijy. Ie is exceedingly probable that wlthin ilie nextlewdays more bodies will be f ou ud in seclnded spots in the, vieinity of the wreek. Many thinking they were scroug enough to walk tho t wenty-i wo miles into the city made the attempt. Overeóme by weakness they sank down by the dozen, and a few have been found doad where they feil. The military hospital here stlll echoes witli the groans of the dying and the delirious mutterlngs of many unfortunates. Tile Ui jjinttT Held Kt'spollHible. The Universal, newspaper, makes serijus churges ngainst Nuffer, the American enginneor, who is held by many to be responsible lor the accident. NuJffer is now in prison and will probably receive a long senfcence unless later developmenta thruw a different llght on the affair and materially chango public sentiment. Numerous suits for diimages are being prepared agaijjst the railroad oompany by the relativos of those killed and injured in the wreek. The petitions are being flled before Judge Juan Pérez do Loon, of the llrst departmont of the district court, who i-i busily encoged with his court force in taking the (jreüwinary dopositions.


Ann Arbor Argus
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