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Do not neglect to attend the reduction sale of furniture at Martin Haller's. Furnish your parlors while you can buy parlor furnittue cheap. Every article in the store is reduced. Come and convince yourself. If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be sure and use thut. oíd and well-tried reinedy, Mis. Winsi.ow's Soothinq Hyrot íor obiidren teething It sothes the child. softens the jjums, allays all pain. cures wind collc and is tlie best rmeoy l'or dlarrboea. Tweoty-flve cents a bottle Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away." The trutliful, startlinK titie of a book íibimt No-tobac thé only harinU-ss, guaranteed ubaeco habit cure. If yon want to quit and oan't. use "No-to-bac." liraces upnicotinized nervee, eliminates nicotine poisons, makes weak nicn gain strength, welght and vigor. Positivo cure or money refunded. Sold by H .1. lirown, drugglst. Book at diuír.ííist, or malled i'ree. Acidress The Sterling Hemedy Co , Chicago ottii-e 45 tiandolph St. : New Yuvk. 10 Spruce St. Chancery Sale. Ín purauance and by vlrtue ol' an order and decree of the Olroult Oourt for the countyoi Washtenaw in Chancery in the stnte of MichIzan, made and dated on thé 8th day of June, A. D.1S94, in a certain cause therein pendlug, wherein Michael Dufl'y is complainant and JobnJ. Kobi-ou and Altha E. Kobison areldefendanl-. Not.ce is hereby grlven that I sball sell at Public Auct ion. to the highest bidder, at the south frontdoor of the Court ïhjuse. In the city of Ann Arbor, In said county of Washtenaw and stilte of MicV.ipau, said Court House belng the plaoè tor holding the circuit court for said county, on Monday. tlie twenty-second day of April, A. U. 1895, at ten o'cloek in the forenoou, toraisethe amount due to s;iiil comphiliiai't for principal, interest and costs in t his cause, all the iollowlng describod ptece or parci'l of land, to-wit: All that certain pieceor narcel of land situated in the townsliip of Sliaron in the county of Wiishtenuw and state of Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: The west half of the south-east quarter ot' section number twenty-two, town three south range three east, and contalnlng 80 acres of land, more or Said sale wlll be made In accordance with the torms of said deoree. Dated, Ann Arbor, Michigan, thióeifihtbday ofMI„,-h.A.D.l5.o E;nuTrERFIEIiD Oircuit Court Commissioner in and iorWashtenaw County, Michigan. Thomas D. Kearney and JOHKl. DCFFY, Solicltors for (omplainani .


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News