Trilby Shoes.
And now we have Trilby shoes! Have thein indood. Perhaps the faddists f ancy that a Trilby shoe will give tbem'a Trilby foot. In point of fuct, Misb O'Ferrall's footgear was anything bnt cominendable. Shegave her preference, if I have nob altogether forgotten that classic feature, to men's bedroom slippers, in a oomfortable state of dilapidation. but if the Trilby shoe now coming in is desigiicd to reloase women's feet from the sharpenedpeucilabominations they i ave been wearing for the past few years every sensible person ought to give Miem godspeed. As I uudeistuiid it, to jiave your feet iu tlie vogne - that is, Trilbjized - yoa must wear shoes very square toed, broad soled and flat heeled and two iaohea too long for your foot. Yonr poor tortured toes may thus rettome their natural relation to each othor, if any vitality is left them, and you need not spond all your substanoe on the chiropodist. All hail to the Trilby shoe, which plaoes wonieu on a common sense f ooting. -
Ann Arbor Argus
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