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Bi:::tni!iui:ui!!iii!iuiai;u!UiuiuiJiii!iiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiie .u % iliij -. i ■ Jt 'fi'l ' I 'jf, "'■"■■"■jap H Tbe Railroad Aan, Tb Oergyroao, iTbs Business fan,l 5 and all other men who have to I look neat while at work, should 5 I know about "CKi.LUi.oin" = LARS AND CuFFS. They look = actly like liuen, wear well and 5 I being waterproof do not wilt = I dowu with heat and ïuoisture. s 5 Xhey do not soil easily and can 1 bccleaned in a moment by ply wipinp oiTvuth a wet sponge = or'cloth. Do not confuse these in = your mind with composition ; goods. Every piece of the s ine is stauiped like this : I&ELijuU)I = Ask for '.hese sndr?fnsc anything y I else if yon wish satisfaction. :-: Ë member that goods so marked g tbc; Önly waterproof goöds ?] Ie by coalmg a linen collar ? with waterproof "Cellúloid,"thus giving Btrength and durability. = If your dealer should not have a S the "Celluloid" send amount á I reet to us and wc will mail you Ê sample post-paid. Collars 25e. g caeh. Cuffs, 50c. pair. State sie 1 s and whether stand-up or 3 down collar is wauted. STHE CELLULOIDCOMPANY.i Í427-29 Broadway, New York. S jái,iiiiiiiiiiir.iiiiiiiiii!ii:i!"i!iniiiii''i"'"'""""'2 WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. tiOK SALE- A few household rixhIb, tome íieaily new, at :i low price to cltwe out au estáte.' Enquire nt 37 West LJberty HMM ÍpOB HBN -Hooinsjor liu'lit lin)SkrepDir, Biso nsi' of nlce tinrn, water io ibt; liue. Enquire at 34 Lawranccst. '.í--- , CVCLnNK l'KNOB- LíuhI owners who nl ín ncod ol fenoe, will ave mpney ly bulldlnjrthe Cyclone Woveii Wire Penco, wiiu steei picKdts. For fnrther pojtioulars aadress Geo. Aprllí, Agent, Box 1356, Ann Amor, Siich. IÍERS0N8 ntondlngto put out . muple or elm shadc tii es siioulil correspond with I'. II. O'BEIBN, Whlttaker. IAÍANTED- Positlon by competent pastr; oook. Good reasons for leaylngr presODt positloi). Mísh Lena Bivérs, general delivery. L,VUM Po RBNT-Contatning about 200 acres plow land at Saline, Mlcb. Good moes and barns. Water ia barns. Cali on . M. Clark, 47 S. División st.. Ann Arl.ur, nr . F, C'lurk, Saline, MlcD. 70R SAL.E ()R KENT.- I-arso new oouse with all modern impi-ovements. cistern ndeity water ín house and well uear door. 11 take in part poymcitt sinnll house or lots r email farm uear city, balance on lon.s time nd low interest. P.C. Box 1346. OB 8ALE.- 30 Hores ou Ohubt) St. in acre . or flve acre lots or all together. Lona ïme, small paymcut, H per cent iniorest. Jan. 1. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit, lick. ilANTED- A MAN in evéiy seetion at onci Vt to sell s tapie jtojii4 to dealers; do p-Ilintr; e.xperience unm;eessary: beetslde line. ■75.00 a month. Salary and expende orlat(fe ommission made. Address, witli 2 cent tamp for sealed particulárs; Clifton Soapand Manufactnrinir Company, Ciucinnati, Oliio. POULTRÏ wauted- market priee ]aid for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Fiftta ndHuuiunt Street". . 0. Wpoks A : l'o., Ann rbor. tOH PALÉ CHEAP- My house and lot on the corner of Traver and Pontlac Etreets, in the Kifth wan] of the city of Ann Arbor. A dusirable location for wood or coal yard. Bthesideol'T. & A. A. tracks. WiHiüüi A et ion. .Innuary 23, 18ft-. , 9 OKBNT.- At No. 2i 8. State St. A tlat oí six roiiuii. Enquire at 18 S. Siate SH. n PIANO ÏUN1NÖ.- A. I). Brown, the ;wéll known piano tuner with E■ J.Whitney. will bein the city soon. Orders left at the Ancir offloe will receive his attention. Estáte of Enoch D. Davis. OTATK OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY iK O Washtenaw, ss. At a seeslon of the Probate Court tor the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the Citv of Ann Arbor, ou Friday. the 1st lay of Mareh in the year one thousand eiifht hundred and niuety-iive. Present, J.Will;ird Babbitt, Judxe oL ProIn the matter of the estáte of Enooh I) Su.san K. Davis. the exeeutrl.x of the last wilt and testament of said (ieoeased comes inti L'ourt and representa that slie is dow pre pared torender her annual account as suvh e ecutrix. Thereupon it is ordered that Tuesday. tdt swondday of April, next, at 10 o'cloch in the forenoon.'lio assigned tor H.xamininir and al lowiiiiT such account, and that the dev eees.leRatees snd lieirs-at-law of sald OeceaSei and all other pereons interested in said estat are required to appear at a session of 6a( ('jurt, then to;be holden at the Probate Offloi in the City ol' Ann Arlor, in saii i'ouiny, and show cause, if any there be, why the said awoinit should not ( allowed. And it is further ordered that said executrix tdve notice to the pernone intereated ín said estáte, of tbe pendency of said account, and the hearing thereOf. tjy cuusiug a copy ol' this ordeno be pub-, iished in the Aun Arbor Argus, a oewspaper printed andolrculfttlpgln said eountj, tbreO Buoóessiye weOkB prevlous 10 said day of hearJ. VYM.LAH HAUIUTl', Judfre of Probati'. A 1 Öiwv. Pi-obáte Beslater. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE ÜP MICHIGAN, COl'N TV O of W.ishto.naw. The iimlei.-iKned havics been appointed y the Court tor süa County, oommiísioner to recefve, examina md adjnst'all chiitlH :ni(l deinands of all , ■gahist the esthte ol GvQTgQ M. Ht-nion, late ■: suid cototy, iieee:iKed, Uereby nf npnee ih.u si uionths Trom diite are allowed, liy onlpr ol suid Probate Conrl, torcreditorsto ir-sent tbeirclumi a:untthe rstate 01 eaid rei ci.scl. .nul Chat It.. y will nipt-i it lheltereldnCPOfsWdceÓ8ed n the City of Ann Artxn-, in said coiioty.oi ibcSHh day of April and on the 24th day of July. next, ftl len oV-iot-k a. io. of t-;ich of artid in. b t receive, examine and udjusi ikú1 claims. Datod I.inuiirv 24, 189c. ' i II ÍELE8 H. WOHDEJf, JOEL A. MINK1Í, t-1oimuisii)IH;Vsï. Notice to Creditors. ICTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUiSTÏ ! O of Noticöiahercby given, that 1 bt au order of the 1'robate 'ourt for the Coiimy oí Washtenuw, made on the 8tta day of January A D. 1SÍI5, six montha from that díte werc illowed forcreditorB to present their olaiius utruin -t tb eetate of Ann Hullrennap, late of siüd ccmiity, deceased, and that all creditors of suid de ceaaed are requii-ed to present th-ir claims to Raid ProUatnCourt at the Probate othce in tbc ,itv niAnn Arbor, JVjr exaiuinatioK and alUwance „,,'tir butorc toe 2Sth day of july oext, and ' tLat Web claims will be heard before said ('ouri, ou the ath day of April and on tbe i;th dsy 01 July next, at ten o'elnck in the forenooi of eacli ofwiddar. DatfJ, Aon Arbor, January ÍS, A. D. 18ü". .I.WII.I.AUD BABBITT. I Jwl uf Ptokttk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News