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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. POULTRT wanted- rnarket price paid fot all kinds of Poultry, ut the corner of Fifth and Summit Streets. C. C. Weeks & f!o., in Aibor. FOK SALE CH RAP- My and lot oa the corner of Tra ver and Pontiac stmetH In the Fifth ward of the oity of A un Arlior. A. desirable location lor wood or coal yard. 1! thesldeof T. &A. A. track. William Art ion January 2!, 1895. TO KENT.- At No. :J0 s. State M. A Hnt of six rooms. KnquireütlHS. Statu St. PIANO TUNINö.-A. I). Brown, the wc-l known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney. wili te in the city soon. Ofders lelt at thoAitou office will receive his attention. PERSONS intending to put out maple or elm shade trees should corrt;gpou(i with P. H. O'lilUKN Whlttakor. FOK SAJiK OE RKNT.- Large oe ooubí with all modern improvemouts, clstern and city water In houso and woll uoar door Will take in part paymentsmall house or lou orsmall farm nearcity, balance 011 long Mme and low interest. P. O. Box 1345. THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. (The only Art Periodical awarded a Meda! at the Worki's Fair.) Invaluablc to all wlw wiah to makc tlieiihv'ny D nrt or to make Vieir 7iümes bcautiiiil TUI IUl men tioniiig this I MP tion a speoimen copy, with superb éW color plates(forcopyingorframing) , and 8 supplemetitary paf?esof deerns (reg-u ai prtóe 36oJ Or FOK 5c we will sendaü "Paintihif for Bejiimiers" i0 Pesl MONTAGKE HARKH, „ v ,1 Union Sciuare. ..


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News