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Estáte ot Henry Clements. 3TATK OF MICHIGAN. County of Wash■ teñan, ss. At a session of the Probate ourtfor the County of Wushtenaw, holden at . (he Probate i ffiee in the city of ínn Arbr, ! 3n Frirta, the Ist day of Marcti, in theyear ,í jne thou and eijrht hupdred and ntnety-nvè. Present, .). Willard Babbitt, Judge of Pro bate. Tu the matter of the estnte of Henry Clempnts. deceased. Ellen Clements, executrix ot thelasi vlll and testament of salddeoewted, comes into court and representa that sh is , nowpiepared to render her Bnal ucoount as . sncb exeoutrlx. : Tüereuponll Is ordered ihat Tuesday, tne 26th iliiy of March, instant, Ht Id o'cli ek in tbeforenoon be assigned for examjnlng and allowlng snch acoonnt, and that the devisees, leíratees.and heirs :it lawof said deceased, and all other pereons Interested in eaid estata. are requlred toaupear Bi a sessionof said Court, theu to be holden at the Probate Ofïiee, in the city of Ann Arbor. In said County. aud show. oftuoe. il any tlnic be why tbe sald account shoulrt not be allowed: And it is further ordered that .said uxecutrlx give notice totho persons intereeted In sald etate, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thei-uot, by ciiusinif a copy of tuis order to be pu),. 11 hedin the Ann Arbor Arjíiis. a newspa printed aml clnulatlng iu said county. thive successive weeks pievious to said day of herJ. VN'ILLABD BABniTT, [Atrueeopy.] Judge of Probate. WiLiiiAM ö. Doty. Probate Keirister. Chancery Sale. In purstiance and by virtue of an order anl decreeof the Ciicuii Court for the county ot Washtenaw in Chancery in the st te of Midi lgau, inadeaud dated on th frth day oJ .lune, A. 1 1S;4, in a certain cause therein pendin-. wherein Michael Duffy is cnmplaiuani and John .1. Kobison and Altha E. Robison are.defendants. is hereby Rlven that I shall sell at Public Auction. to the hiiihe.-t bidder, at tin south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw and state of Mie' iran, said i ourt House bein" the place lor holding 'he circuit court for said county, on Monday, tlie twenty-sec ondday of April, A. ü. 189o, at ten o elock in , the foreuoon, torals-ethe amountdue to said c eoraplKinanl forpiincipil. interest and cists j n tlii cause, all Uiefoltowinsdeseribed ple-e t or parcel of land, towit: All tlwt oer 1111 pieceorparcel of land si'uated iu tbe towiBhipofSharon in the county of ashtenaw and state of Michigan, knowii, hounded and descrlbed as follows, to-wlt: The west half of the fouth-east quarter of section number twentv-iwo. town three souih range tluee east, and oantainiiig 80 acres of land, more or Pa1d sale will be mtde In aecordanee with the teims of said dtcree. lHted. Aun Arbor, Michigan, thi-elghthüay „,Miltch,A.D.moEnüTERFlroi Circuit Coart Ooinmissiuner in and for Washte aw Uounty, Michigan. Thomas T. Kearney and Jon p Ii Iu"fy. Solloitore for Coruplainan t. Estáte of Ann Maria Alchln. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, UOUNTY " of Wiishtcnaw. ss. At a s.-ssion of the Probai Court for the Counlyuf Washtenaw, holdcui ut tht Probate Office in the city ol Ann Arbcr, on ïliuraday. il' 21 si. dy oi Ki-liruaiy, in tht vearoncihousandcighi hnnarea ;inu iiiuety-nve. Present, J. Wülarcl Ualiüitt, .IniVe of Probute In the iiiHtter it the eetatc ol Aun JJana Alohin.iiecctsed. tdward A. AlchiD. fxeoutor of the lust ■il] and testament ol said (itcenBcd, comes into court n ml représenla tnut he i- now .repi ï d to render his Bnai account as such exeeut'.r, ThereuponilrBOr.-leredthiTuL-bd:i)' thelathd:iy of March n.-xt, ut icn o'duuk In tlie t"r-noon benssigned for examiüin! and allowing sachuccorDiandlbatthedcviseeSjlegatk-esundiiei'S-at law ofsaid deceased, nndull ol her perrons i. teiesit-d íd 8id eiitate, are required to uppi'or at a se sion of said court, th.-n lo bc holden al tb Probate office, ir the city of A"n Ar or, m mi'l count and show cnuee, if any Hiere behytne aaid ccount should not be allwed. A i.d it is lurther oid r.d thiit said excuior giyc notice to ihepersonaintfiej-terl Iu said cstiue.oi tbi' penilency of Bairi nccuunt ml thehe rii.gih.reof, by CHiisins; a cop (if this odcr io u p-ibiished in the Ann Arbor Argus. a nf'iipi-r print, d and circuln Ing in said ounty, three suocem! eweelta Presto taWjdavLn%ABBm, Judgnof f róbate. (A trueeopy.) William U. Dotv. Proh-ite Kejister. rlV T OBTAÏN A PATENT? Fora 1feSea.1TjSÍ=S iormation concerninK Ia"1B1„a"d. ?m?hanl tain them sent free. Alao a catalogue oí mecnanical and sclentlflo books sent free. -pive Patenta taken throuph Munn Sc Cp. reco vo special notice in the Scientilic Anierionii, anü thus are broiiKht wldely bet ore the P"'1'10"'"out coat to the Inventor. This splf"d'1 L%?K issued weekly, eleaantly timstratec 1. has, by fai te larpest circulation qt any scientilic work In the world S'Í a vear. Sample copies sent free. Bulidini KdTtioS. monthly, l60 a yenr. Slnule cOBles. '25 cents, fevery numher contains beauTOBcJfewgia BAKrtoí.. f Contains over 13fJfiuo illurtrutionB nhowinct a nuoto of the largest hennerr in the trest. üivesbestplannfürpoultryhouaes, ure remad ies and recipes lor all dlseaaeB, alo vülaablc inlormation on the titchen und flower garden eent ior onlj 10 centg. Joto Saucber, Jr., P. 0. Box I fteeport, IU.


Ann Arbor Argus
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