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Estáte of Daniel Sutherland. -JTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF 71; Washtenaw, 88, At a aession of tte Probnto }onrt for the Cuunty ofWasntenaw, holden at ttu 'róbate ORlcc Ín 'he City of Ann Arbor, wi tfouday, the 251b day ot Fehrunrv, ímhoyeur i'C thousand eisrht huudred und ninety-five l'rts.iit, J Wlllard Babbitt, JuditP of Prnbote. In the matter of the estáte of Daniel sutherland, Jeceacd. O.nreadingan'l fllini? the potition duly venfied f Sarah,]. Suthwïand, praying; tiiai u ceain mtrunient now on tile in tliiy tourt, pnrnortng tobe th laat wfll nd leaVmient 01 snirt de :e;8i-d my be ndmlttcd n prib ite, and thatadinmiptiation ot Bftidestae may bo jfrinted to her(lf, ihc necutrlx insiiiil will ivimed, or to sone 3theruitai-k' perron. Thercupou it is .)rdered, that Mou-iay, the 2stb iay of Marcli uext at lOo'elock in the forenooa, De ássltíned for the hearing of Baid petitio, and t.hal the devisees. legatees nud heir-tInw of said (Jeceaaed aod dü otln-r persone ínleiet"l ii said estatp,nre n quired to appear t a P!S8ion of siiid conrt, then to be hnlileu at tb 'rolmte Ottlcc in the eity ol Aun Arbot, and show onuso, ïf any thi'rp be, why tho rayer of the petitionei shonld not be grantefl. nii it is furtner orderoii tbat nii petiti)rier vé notiee lo Ihe perenne ini-n"iti in said enlate 'ui tüe pendencj ol wal petition and th )(rlpi Ueriof, by caiiiins a copj ot [hie order to be pahlished iu itie Ann ArBOB AnGUB, a nempappT'pnuted aud enciilaied In sald county, three ucoAfiitae wei-k priiVioiia tns&tddayof hearing. .1. W1LLAHTI RVBHITT, ' ia TKfKcoi'vi Mr et' Probate. W ii.iam G. L'fiTv. l'rohiite RerMer otlce to Credltors. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY i.f Washtonuw ss. Notice la hereby uivna, tha by'an order of the Prohate Court for th Countvnf Washtenaw, made on the fouriecnthday of Januari A. D. 1895. six inonths trom tbat date were allowed for crcditoi to prcseut thelr iaim againt the estáte of Emily L. Daneer, late of siiirt couniT.dereaned.and that hII ereditor nrsaid deceased aie required to present their claim to said e Court, t the Probate Office in the city ui Ann Arbor, for examination and allowanor, on or before the fifteen'h day of July, next. lllCl tliai PUCD Claims Wlll uc iimiu uciuio aowB lourt on the flfteenih day of April, and on the ifteenih day of July uext, at ten o'clock i ,ne forpnuon of each ol saifl dayw. Dated. Ann Arbor, January 15, A.D.1S9S. . WILLARD MABBITT, Judgeof Probate. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of -Wmhtenaw. The undersigned havInR been appointed by the Probate Conrt for satd CouHly, Oomrnlssionera to reeeive, examiue and adiusi 11 claims and demands of all persorn. astiiinst the estáte of Ellen OH ara, lite of Biiid cauntï. decensed.hereby give gU months f r-nu date ure allowed ,by orderol naid Proba Ie Court, tor creditors to present their claim aR'iiiist the estáte nfsnid dpeeaied. and Ihat they Till meet at office nf o'ïeorg" C. Pasí i" the ol Pcxt r in said countv, on fíaturday, thclbth davof May, and on Monday, the I91I1 dy of Air,'ust, next, at ten o'clock A. M . of e:ich of siiid la8, to rcceive, exHmine and adjust said C'Zi,Fobran,1Slh.W.J.GEcpAfiE UUS-iELL 0. REEVB, CommisBionert. Notice to Creditors. TATE OF MICHIGAN, ('OUNTY OF W:ihteniw, es. Notice is hcrebv Ki'n, Ihat b an order of the Probate Court for the Countv Of Washtenaw. made nn the 4th dny of Maren A I). 159S. iü months froin thut date were aliowpd forcreditor to present their claims againt the e8tte of Lydia Butherland, late of saia coiinty, deceased." and all cieditors of saii deceased are required to present their claims topaid Probate nOurt,atthe probate Office in the cttvof Ann Arbor, for examination and alI I iwance. on or before the 4th day of September 1 next, and thut auch claims will he heard before aid Tourt on the 4th day of June and onthê4th day of September ten o'clock in the forenoon of each o( snid rtays. Dated, Ann Arbor. March 4th. A. I). tMR, J. WILLARD nABIUTT, Judfe of Probate Notice to Creditors. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Wüshteniiw, (s. Notice is hereby given, tnat by au ordi-r of the Prohate Court for th (lonnty of Washtenaw. mude on the tonth day "f Jannary. A. D 1=95, six months from that d..te ero allowed for creditors tn present their flaim asitiirist the estáte of Jnhn Flynn, lat of said rounty, deceawd, and tb at nll creditor of said ilecpased are reqnlird to present theirelnim tos iid Probate Oourt, al the Probute Office in the city of Ann Arbor. for pxnmination and allowance, on or before the tenth day of .lulv next, and thatsuch ollm will be heard before said Court on the tenth day of April, and on the tenth day of Juiy inxt :it ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of saiddays. Dated, Ann Arbor. January 10, A.T). 1S9Í. .1. WILLARD HABHITT, Judgeoi' P obatc DEHORKIITG A. F. SMITH Has full equipment for dehorning viciou8 and unrnly cattle. Also auctioneering. Farm sale a specialty. Enquire of Blue Gras Dairy Wagon, or Box 1433, Ann Arbor. 18-28


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