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Yon say a collar and cnff that are waterproof? Yes. Andperspiration will not affect them? Yes. And -whcn dirty you necd only wipe 1 hem off with a wet clotb or spongc ? Yes. Wonderful ! How are they made ? A linen collar covercd on both sides with -waterproof ' 'CKI,L,UUID. ' ' Looks i-xactly like a linen collar. Is it the only waterproof collar and cuffmade? No, but it is the only one made with the linen interlining and conseqnently the only one that can give cntire satisfaction, bccaiise it is the best. How can I know that I get the right kind? Because cvery piece is stamped as follows : tuuLoin VfARK,u:nirc for that and refuse anything (. m?, or you wül be disappointeu. Suppose my dealer does not have them ? He probably has, but if not, seml direct to ns, enclosing amonnt. Coll.-.-rs 25c, Cuffs 50c. State size, and whether collar wanted is stand-up or uirned-down. THE CELLULOtD COMPANY, i'J7-29 Bromlway, NKVV YORK. Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN OOÜNTÏ KJ of Washtcnaw - se. In the matter of the egtuteof Jaoe RelaOD, apceased. Nt is herebj niveo itmt in pnrsnanceöl a n oriii ï;.tivoi ia ilie uLidei-ifiiif d administrador af tlic ".t: t' of snld dreoufd ty tlio li. n. Judve i.f Probate for the Counfy of U ishii'iKW, 011 'lic isili .iay uf Dpceinbcf A. D. 1Ï94. 1 horu wil] t,olii at pliUlo vcndiic, to tlic blbeat bidder, ai the east. front door (f art lwmse. in theclty of Anu Arbor, iu the Uouaiy of Wasbtenaw, in snid Btate, ": h day ni April, A ). lsiVj, i( ten o'clock i t be ferenoon f that dny (subjoot to :ill eneunjlirHiici m liv mol gage ui' othcrwUc exittintr t the timeol the death of said leceased) the following descrlbed nal estáte, to-wil: Bepitininií at. the nnrth-wegt corner of lot n uro Der tour, in blook cumber eleven, in Hiscoek'e additinn lo the city of 1111 Arbor. acoordlng to tlic 'ecorded pikt thereof , thence sontb 011 tlio west line of said lot ciplit rods, thence east t tirc.o roils and twelve iVet, theuce oorth nsrullcl with üm Une of Hisoook street, thenoe west three roda and mc: e teel tu 1 he placo of l)Pimining Dated Marcli , 1RÜ5. LE0MIA11D 6HDNEB, Adnnnistrator. Estáte ot Jacob Heinzmann. CTATEOE .MICHIGAN, COUJSTÏ of Waelnenan .ss. At a scssion ofthe Probate Cuurt for tbe County of Washteuaw, bolden at the Proh:ite Cífioe in the citv of Aun Arbor, ov Tueedny, the lïth da-v oí Mnveh, a the jear une tbousand eight hundred and niniitv-rHe, Prewnl.J. Willard Bi.bbitt, Jud(! of Probate In the matter oí tile caíate ol' Jaoub íii iczmauij, dectawd. ün rciuliuK nd 61n? the petifion Jn'y ve:fl 1. of HeDry J. M:nn, ulrninistrator. piuyiny thftt heuiay be lieeneed i o se 11 the real estáte wheivoi 8aid deceasfd died semd, for distribntiüü. Thereupou it iu ordered. thal Kiiday. tbt flfih day of April next, at ten o'elock in Ibe loreooun, be ansigurd fui the heariufr oí eaid ptition, and 1 bat the heirs at law of aniü dccaitx-d, and mu utber persons lutennted in said estáte, I are rtquired to appear at a session ol aio court, tben to be holoen ut tbe Probate Office, iu the city of Aun Arbor, and show cuun. it soy Ibere be, wby the prayer of the petitiotii-r Bhould not be frantcd: And it m furtberordered. that said ietitiouer tfive nolice to theperaons iutti Mted ín said eutate, of the pndencyof saió petitku and Uie hearing tbereof, bycaiming a copy of tbiB order to be publlshed in the Asn Aübor Ansus, a newst?.ici nrinndand oirculatin); in said ount three successive weeks previotis te said day ol hearing. J. WILI.ARD HABBITT, fA tmecopy) Judgeoí íJrobHti William ó.Dotv. Probate Reifintcr. Estáte of Enoch D. Davis OTATE OK MICHIGAN, COUNTT (H Cj VVaehtenaw, 86. Ata seesiou of the Probate Court for tho County r Washtenaw, ho den at tho Probate Otticw in the Citv of AnD Arbor. m KriOay. the lt day of March iu the year oue thouüami t'ijrbt hundrei) and ninoty-üve. Present, J.WUUrd Rabbitt. .Judcre of Probato. In tho matter of tho cetute of Enoch U. Davis, deceaeed. Susaii K. Davis. the ezeoatiis oí tbe last wlll and testiiruent of uaid deceaseü cotoes into conrt and represente that slie is now pinpared to reader heraunala;eunt. aasuchexeeutrtx. Therenpon it is ordered that. Tueeday, tht second day of April, next, at 10 o'cloch ín the forenoon, be assigned tor examininfr and :iilo'AiiKr sneh account, and that the devieifl,l-(;ats s nd heii's-at-law of naiil deoeased and all otber persone intereeted in said estáte, are ïequired to appear at a eession of 9Aid (tourt, then to;be holden at Qie Proliato Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, in sai! Countï, and show cause, If any there be, why the eaid account Bhould not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said exeeutrix jrive notitie to tbe persons nlerestcU in said estáte, of the pendency of said acouut, and the hearinir thereol', by cauBing a eopy of thisordtrto le published in tbe Aun Arbor Ar(?us, a uewspapt-iprinted and eirculRtinfr in said County, three uceessivo weeke prorlous to said day of hoai - ing. .). WILLAKT) BARIUTT, J ndgo of Probate . IA true oopy.) Wm.C!. Xitv. Probate Rearister. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OFMICniGAN, COÜNTï ol Washtenaw. The uDdenixnsd ha)uu been appointed by the Piohate i:ourt dr s-.ikt (.iouutj, couiniiKsioiiers to reeeite, maminc and adjuet all claiuu and demands of all porKnni agamst the elute of (}eorje M. ileniou, late of waid covnry, fjereapcd, hirey ve notice tttat j1x inonths trom date aru allowed, by order ut s dd Probate Court, 1or creditorstA) prt-sent thfirclainiH aainsttbe eutate of ftaid ieceased, and tbat thry will meet at tbe late restdence of Raid deceased in the City of Anu Arbor, innaid oouutr.oi the 24tb day ol April and on the !.'lth öiy of July, next, nt ten oVloek a. m. of eh of silid i!a , lo reoeive. examine aud adjuat BaiU claims. Daled ]anu;ny S4, ISH5. 1 H iliLKS II. WOHUKN, .1OEL A. MINEK, Coivniissïonv'i t Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV of Washtenaw,". Notiooishereby iven, bat by an order of the Probate Court for tbc County ol Washtenuw, made on the 2th day of Januarr A. P. 1896, six inonths from tbat date were allowed forcrediiore to present their ulainis asaiust th eatate of Ann Mullrennan, late of said county, deoeaeeil, and that all crethtors of satd deceaeed are rfcqtiired to present their olaims tosaid I'robateCmirt at the Probate otüce in the city of Ann Arbor, fot examxnatiOB and allowince on or )efore the 2'Jth day of Jvly ne.t, and that Buch claims will be bcard beforo said Court, od the )th day of April and on the 2yth o"ny ol July next, at ten o'clock in the ioreuonn of eacb of auid daya. Bntei ,A nn Atbor. Janii:iry W, A. D. 18Ö". J,Mrltl.AHD HABBITT. Jiklc of PTotistt


Ann Arbor Argus
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