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Mack & Schmid

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ÖR0W5 ATTRACTS # EXPANDS Earnest efforts to make inerit and price produce a crowded house has never been sinalized+wiíhQeflrffiUnfetSh; strifeobus1 .pdv cash to secure bargains was never so thoroughly displayed as m our purchases when we took ávtageotthestritetMtous íness between New York importers and direct representltives of foreign manuiacturers To ilústrate our pomtj -Dirrmg fall months Slist vear after the Wilson bill had become an assured fact and the extent of the reduction totake effect January 1 was known to acer account of the crowded condition of the custom house, we did not receive until 20 days later. When the glories of the textile art-the wonders of the highest pitch of loom possibilities, more as from being f whSd'SaïïsfatS oftddional help in January and February, a thing hitherto unknown, and our first orders were duplicated, some of them a second time. Otar stock is ijoW completa ii eVeri) deparlijiei) Carpets, Draperies, Rugs, Spring Wraps, Spring Gloves, Hosiery, Wash Dress Goods and Foreign Dress Goods are here as you will findthem nowhere else, in quality, in quantity, in price. We are ready to supply all your wants for Spring and ummer AT PRICES BELOW YOUR FONDEST EXPECTATÏONS PSLESS GOOpS. Daily the proofs oí our preeuiinence accurnulate. Öur Dress Goods section is exaulted by comparison, for never was effort or money so lavishly spent to secure all that the looms are fashioning or the artists creating. One Great lot latest Paris Novelties in silk and wool irridescent etíecti?, tailor checks and faücy weaves, all the new color conibinations, are the strictly $1 values, at 6Oc. One case 50-inch, all-wool silk finish, Henrietta carbon or jet black, was 85, now 49c. One case 38-inch all-wool doublé warp serge, black and colors, worth 39c, now 25c. One job 50-inch black serge, worth 85c, now 60c a yard. Four pieces 60-inch "waterproof' Cravenette, black and colors, was $2, now $1.35. One case all wool fancy black goods; figured, mohair, plaids and camel's hair novelties, worth 75c to $1 per yard, your choice for 49c. One piece black 50-inch Mohair, extra quaUty, worth $1, now 72c. 23 pieces all-wool Henriettas, regular valué 50c, now 33iC. Two pieces fancy black Crepe, new, at 90 and 6ÖC a yard. One lot 46-inch Alma Strge, black and colors, worth 50c, now 39c a yard. Priestley's black goods, new silk war Algerine, Melrose, Railway Cord, Alma and Henrietta worth $1.50 to 1.7o, now $1.25. Priestley's 42-inch silk warp Heurietta and Alma, worth f 1.35, now $1.00. Priestley's 60-inch Cravenette, bet made, now $1.55 per vard. W. F. llead's great fabrics, Lansdowne and Eagadine. We have them in all colors and black (and sell them at the price of much inferior itxntations), were $1.25, now $1. W. F. Kead's fancy Polka Dot and Lansdown Cord, worth $1.40 per yard, now $1.25, 40 inckes wide, cheaper and far daintier than silk. We are sole agents for them. All the neyv spring novelties in Perforated effects, Rob Roy and Stewart and other Scotch plaids, checks, French Crepon, in brown, navy, black and Napoleon blue. Silk and wool" flake effects, worth from $1 to $2.50, our price 7ÖC to $1.90 per yard. This line is complete, of the latest style and no duplicates. 43 pieces 42-inch silk and wool mixtures in new and tasty colorings, worth 60c a yard. our price 42c per yard. 50 pieces all-wool foreign mixtures advertised as the great 39c bargains the country evei let go, at 35c. One job 42-inch silk and wool Parisian novelties, S5c, now 6Oc. 60-inch Clay's Diagonal Worsted, for heavy Skirts, Capes and Jackets, navy and black, worth $2.25 per yard, now $1.50. 50-inch colored and black serge, sold for $1, now 75c per yard. 54 inch colored ant black Storm Serge, sold for $1, now 75c pr yard. Arnold's A. A. 40-inch Henrietta silk finish, worth 75c, now 5ÖC per yard. These an the best goods made. Colors only. 40-inch Henrietta, all wool, value 50c, now 3ÖC Five pieces 56-inch French Broadcloth worth $1 now 49c, black and colors. Two pieces 54-inch all wool "Tyrol Tweed" for skirtP, worth 85c, now 60c. Six pieces 48 inch storm serge in navy and black, worth 75c, now 49c per yard. Three pieces 38-inch storm serge in navy and black, worth 50c, now 39c per yard. 14 pieces fancy mixed all wool novelties worth 50c, now 39c per yard. One case all wool serges, mixtures and fiannel, worth 50c, now 29c. One case silk and wool mixtures and plaids, worth 40c per yard, now 25c per yard. One case 38-inch English Cashmere, worth 25c per yard, now 19c One case 38-inch Armure, half wool, worth 25c, our price 1ÖC per yard. One lot 38-inch fancy stripe flannel, worth 25c, now 1ÖC per yard. 158 Remnants, plain and fancy, colored and black Dressgoods to close at 1-3 forme value. English Corduroy in black, white and and all new colors, 75c. Oüp 5O-ii)ch Serges for 49c. These Serges are the most wonderfal bargains ever öffered at any time. They are so good that tbey in rnany instances créate snspicion and the exckmation, "Why, they're not all wool or what's the matter with them,'1 of daily recurrence when ehown to the trade. The third invoice of them this year comes in this week and we can give you black or any color you want and as much as'-you want- that's the best part of it. We háve a contract withthe French makers for wrhat we can use of them for 1895. Ask ïo See Oür 5O-incK Serge for Seml tbr samples. BROAD CLOTHS rOSSSsr ilsáS SSSS 2 S ■■ ss 15 Pieces Broadclotb, all I 5 S raS .f S5i 5Í = SS ors are half price, at 49c. - i 5g i ] 1 il. !.. UI ñr umi íí i _ yV _j0nb n. ' broaücJothf m niacK anu eoiDrs, at Jb 53, 65, 75 85,S1.V Tl Spring. Cloakiug in Scotch mixtures. tailor checkt, . plaida and stripes, 34 inch '" wide, at $1.00. wwwwwww ■fe. ■- ■■'-■■Mi-a NEW WASH DRESS GOODS; One case Satines, the 12$ quality, at - c 10 pieces Crepon black goods, coloree! tigures, sometlring verj novel, One case Doek Suiting, light and dark colora, 12L qnality, - e One case fine Madras cloth, yard wide - _ c 10 pieces Crinkled Persian cloth, l yard wide, _" Five pieces tine black dotted Swiss, - ; " f c White dotted Swiss; white with black dota and black with white Hots, at 50, -IO, :o, 25, O and 15c French Organdíes, exquisite shades and designs, at 7 dress patterns Muslin de Cheveron, new, worth 45c, now - e lS dress patterns imported Ginghams and Dotted Swiss, wortli 50c, now - -Oc 20 pieces half-wool Challies, worth 20c per yard, now lic 15 pieces half-wool Challies, 50 inches wide, worth 35c per yard, uow - c 1 iob Moire Sateen, worth 12c, per yard, now 25 pieces fast black and fignred Sateen, worth 16c per yard, iiow lf 10 pieces fast black Sateen, worth 12c per yard, now - - - Jf I An elegant line of light and dark, plain and fancy Duck, for Bloonier buits, wonli 15c, now 12c i 20 pieces fast color French Sateen, worth 35c, now - i 10 pieces hand spnn Suitings, old price 50c, now - c ' 25 pieces best swivel Silks, all evening and dark shades, last year were 75c now setlmg at - 45c (Best wholesale price on these goods today is 40c.) 120 pieces best Outing Flannel at - l?c 75 pieces Outing Flannel, 8c grade, - - e 25 pieces best Percale, regular 12 valué, at ■"■ Ginghauis, very best Amoskeag checks, at j1 3 cases Toile du Nords, bright spring styles, - "c 20c Zephyr cloth, new Tartán plaids, checks and stripes, at - V Crinkled Ginghams now selling at 8" 1 case Dotted Swiss Mnslin at - Apron Check Ginghams, 5c everywhere; here '


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