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Easter Offerings

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Yoü may think it early for us to start an Easter Sale, bui one of the things we have learned by experience is the necessity ot beinq in the lead - to forecast the wants of the trade and have what the customer wants beforc they need them - then when the pleased ustomer makes the demand we are ready to fili it and are entitled to his custom. When the season arrivés seasonable weather does t always accompany it. The alert merchant and the experienced buyer is ahead of both weather and season and the importations re at hand. If you don't want to make your Easter purchases now come and see what we're offering - When you want to buy you will know where to go. Ancient history tells us that geese once saved the City of Rome f om destruction at the hands of the Gauls. We have no geese, but e have HUNDREDS OF BARGALNS that will save your pocketb'ook niany dollars. 7his is vwdern, history. Don't pay 10c for Sewing Silk when we sell the best for . 7c Don't pay 1Oc for Needles when ya can &et better for ■ 5c fton't pay 10c for Pins when you eau get the same for . . 5c ?)on?t pay 25c for Amrnonia; ours is as good for . . . 5c Don't pay 35c a pint for Witch Hazel; we have much better for 17c Don't pay 50c an ounce for Perfumery when we have the best in the market, and all the new fads, at ... 40c Don't pay 75c for a Necktie; ours at 50c are better. Don't pay 75c for Overalls; ours at 45c are as good and durable. Don't pay 5c for Apron Check Gingharn; we sell the same at 3fc Don't pay 8c for Linen Crash when yon can purchase better at 4fc Don't pay 12Lc for Linen Crash; our 9c Crash will beat it. Don't pay $2.00 for a Silk Umbrella; we guarantee a better one for . $L45 Save 50c in buying our f 1.00 umbrella; are $1.50 elsewhere. Save half what yon spend by buying your Underwear now. gay onr 50c 50-inch fine Serge now; you will never see it equalled again. Buy yonr Kid Gloves now, at a savin of 33 per cent., and get the l66t. Buy Hosiery at hosieries headquarters, and get the kind that reliable. Ladies' Hosiery- Baster Prices. NEW HOSIEKY, made expressly for The Stobe, received for ifce Easter trade, placed on sale at Easter prices, at great reductions from our heretofore popular low prices. VERY SPECIAL. - One case Cheninitz Hose, perfect fast black will not turn green); Cotton Hose made of the finest quality of ;:ombed Maco yarn, is doublé in heels, soles and toes, is an absolute 5#c hose in value. 3 pairs are packed in a neat box. 'For Easter tke box for S1-00 Ladies' Black Hose are the ISc value, 2 pairs for . . .25 Black Hose, full fashioned 25c value, for . ■ 16 " Black Hose, our great 25c leader for years, cut for Easter time to . . . . . . .20 Black Onyx and high 6pliceed heel and sole, the number. ;we have alwaya sold for 35c, Easter price . 25 Black Hose, white feet, always 35c, for ... 25 " Fine Cotton Silk-finish Hose, now . ... .25 ' Ingrain Hose, former value 45c, now . . . .30 Lisie Thread Hose, fine fancy ribbed, 50c and . . 45 ' Fine plain Lisie Thread Hose, extra quality, . . 50 " White Lisie Thread Hose, at . . . .50 White Lisie Thread silk-plaited Hose, . . .75 Erening Shades in Hosiery Lisie, Thread, pink, blue1 slate, red, primrose, lavender, Nile and Russian blue, ........ 50 " Ingrain Tan Hose, ....... 25 " Black Ingrain Hose, extra heavy, white feet, - - 50 LIDIES' GYMNASIUM HOSE (Opera length, 32 inches long), made of real Maco thread, 75c value, cut to . 50 Ladies' Pure Silk Hose, $2.50, $1.50 and .... 1.00 Misses' Black Ribbed Hose, extra length and weight. doublé kneed, spliced heels and soles, 2 pairs for ... 25 liisses' Ribbed Hose, extra value for Easter at . ,. .16 Misees' Tan Hose, heavy weight and fine, . . .25 Misses' white Lisie Thread Hose 35 hfants' white, red, tan and black Cashmere Hose, . 30 and 25 lafants' black Cashmere Hose, . .... 12 Men'e heavy working Socks, 10c valne, 4 pairs for . . . 25 " heavy working Socks, 12Lc value, 3 pairs for . . 25 pure white L Hose, . . . .15 " fine Seamless Hose, 2 pairs for . . . 211 very best quality British spliced heels and toes, positive 25c value, now ..... IS " black Hose, full regular made, . . 25, 15 and 12 Underwear Sale. We have decided to make a clean sweep of our entire underwea áepartment. For this purpose we have reduced entire Unes of th rrj best goods made i, and $ off former price HU All our all-wool underwear reduced one-third. Lsdies' camel hair pants and vests, $1.75, now . $1.1' " fine natural wool pants and vests, 1.35, now . .9( " fine white wool pants and vests, 1.50, now . 1.0( " fine white wool pants and vests, 1.00, now . .6' " extra fine medicated scarlet pants and vests, 1.00, now .6 " fine ribbed wool pants and vests,l. 00, now . .6' 11 fine non-shrinkable summer pants and vests, 1.00, now .6' ' fine silk and wool vests, 1.50, now . 1-01 " silk vests, 65, now . -5' " natural wool Jersey vests and pants, 1.35, now . .9' " white wool Jersey vests and pants, 1.35, now . -9 " natural and cream wool vests and pants, 1.00, now .6 ; tights, ankle length, 1.75, now . . .1.1 " silk tights, winter weight, S.00, uow . 5.3 " silk vests, winter weight, G.00, now . 4.0 " heavy fleece-lined best quality Egyptian vests and pants, onr 50c leader, now -3 " fleece-lined Egyptian vests and pants, 40c, now . .2 Ypsilanti underwear, small sizes, to close at $ regular price. Men's camel's hair shirts and drawers were 1.75, now . 1.1 " white lamb'8 wool shirts and drawers were 1.65, now 1.1 lt fine natural wool shirts and drawers were 1.35, now .9 ; fine natural wool ribbed drawers were 1.00, now . -6 " fine scarlet medicated drawers were 1.00, now . -Í " heavy fleece-litied drawers were 90c, now . " extra heavy silk-finished drawers were 90c, now . ( " ribbed gray and ecVu silk-fiuished drawers were 50c, now . Dr. Loeb's and Lewis' pants and vests, small sizes, reduced i Ifants' vests, silk and wool, size 2, were 1.00, now . " fine-ribbed vests were 90c, now . . - Boys' cotton-ribbed shirts and drawers were 50c, now Baster Gloves. To-morrow begins that always greatest animal sale of Kid Gloves - -the ever eventful glove epoch - ;the recognizod glove alFair of the year - organized od a still greater and grander scale than ever, with more gloves and handsomer gloves, higher novelties and better values than the year's glove-selling brings forth, faultless in fit and finish, absolutely correct in style and positively unequaled in value. 25 dozen tive-hook glacé gloves in all the new spring shades, strictly $1.00 value, are placed on sale for Easter at 79c Biaritz gloves, new spring shades, very best quality, at . 95c 4-button glacé glovee, tan, brown, navy green and English red, 1.50 grade, at ..... $1.00 The elite glove, in point of make, finish and quality of leather, are unequaled at . . . . 1.50 Foster'8 8-inch Suede gloves, black and colors, always 1.50, for Easter . . . . . .1.50 Foster's "Fowler" 5-hook gloves, black and colors, . 1.50 FoBter's gloves, all colors and black, . . . 1.00 Opera gloves, shoulder length, white, blue, primrose, pink, Nile, red and pearl, . . . .2.00 Opera gloves, elbow lengtb, shades as above, . . 1.50 Ladies' silk mitts for evening wear, 30 inch length, . 1.00 22 inch length, . .75 8 inch length, . .25 Ladies' white silk gloves, 27 inch length, . .. 1.00 Misses' eilk mitts, white, tan, blue and cardinal, . . .25 Gent's heavy kid driving gloves, . . . .50 Gent's Moca gloves, . . . . . 1.50 SÜT Big line of samples in gent's fine dress gloves in dog-skin, genuine kid, fine Eussia calf, and include the rerj best gloves shown on the rnarket, in value 1.50 go at one price, .... 1.00 Special Easter Parchase in Gloves. There are many ladies, and more especially at Easter time, who have a penchant for 6omething really fine, dressy and new in gloves. For those we have purchased a line of gloves thát are very handsome and elegant and entirely new. Foster's 7 hook glacé gloves in black and colors, with fancy back, the colors being all the shades in brown, tan, yellow and pearl, at ..... 1.75 These are extreme novelties which cannot be had later. j### I Veilings. 1 The place where veilings are kept is always crowded because r the ladies always kuow that every new idea and fad is to be found ' there as soon as brought out, tbat everything stylish and proper ia 1 found there. BLACK VEILINGS. Brussels net silk finish doublé fold (entirely new) . . 50c Fish net with hand made large chenille dots, doublé fold, . 50c í Fish net with hand made small chenille dots, doublé fold, . 45c f Fish net, plain pure silk veiling, doublé fold, . . 40 I Fish net, plain pare silk veiling, " . . 25( 'ish net, plain pure silk veiling, single fold, . . 15( Dotted silk illusion, doublé fold, .... 30 r Plain silk illusion, doublé fold, . . . . 25( e Plain sewing silk veiling, satin border, . . . 25 COLORED. Plain and dotted silk illusion and fish net, brown, tan, nav; 7 green, grey, maroon and white, in all the new weaves this spring. l Handkerchiefs. 7 When the question of Handkerchiefs is involved, there is bu 7 one solution - that is. found at The Store. Buying directly fron 7 manufacturers in job lots gives U9 an advantage in assortment an 7 prices unequalled anywhere. 0 Ladies' scalloped and embroidered Handkerchiefs, at $2, 1.90, 0 $1.50, 1.25, 1.00, 85c, 80c, 75c, 70c, 50c, 45c, 40c, 29c, 0 25c, 15c, 12Lc and . . . .10 0 Ladies' plain, white, hemstitched Handkerchiefs, 1, L, L and 7 inch hem, at 30, 28, 25, 23, 20, 15, 12L and . 10 7 Ladies' initial Handkerchiefs, i inch hem, at 25 4 Ladies' initial Handkerchiefs, 1 inch hem, pure linen, at 12L 0 Ladies' mourning Handkerchiefs, scalloped and embroidered, 50, 30 and . . . . . - 25 3 Ladies' mourning Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, 25, 20, 15, 12L, 15 10 and. ...... 8 Ladies' colored border Handkerchiefs, 15, 12L, 10, 7, and 5 .1 Ladies plain white initial Handkerchiefs, at 3 .( Ladies' colored silk Handkerchiefs, lace edge, . . 1.2 10 Ladies' white silk, colored embroidered Handkerchiefs, f 2. 00, i' $1.75, 1.50, 1.25, 1.00, 85 and . 7í 7 Ladies' white silk initial Handkerchiefs, hemstitched, . 2i 30 2 Big Jobs. 5 9 50 dozen Ladies' fine embroidered Handkerchiefs, positive 25c valu „„ for Easter, ....-- 1Í gQ 35 dozen Ladies' fine Cambric Handkerchiefs, Irish Pointe and fii 0A lace edge; the 5OC quality, at - - - 2 - Ladies' Shell Back Combs. A large assortraent of ladies' fancy shell back and side combs just receiTed at 10c to 40c. Decidedlv Extraordinary Sale. r,Qfpa GUIPURE. CHANTILUA, POINTE ES PR1X, BOURDON. AJUIVUJ . ,R1RH poiN TE, ORIENTAL. A GÜEAT PURCHASE OF LACES, bought iu syudicate directly froin foreign manufacturera, demonstrates the advantage of purchasing Laces in jobbers' quantities, for cash. This parchase includes all sorts of Laces, all widths and every stjle, suitable f-r trimming any article or garment or for decorative purposes. BLACK LACES. Black Guipare Lace, 6 in. wide, . . . .18e Black Guipure Lace, 7 " . . . . á5e Black Guipure Lace, 12 " ... 45c and 35c Black Bourdon de Gene, net tops, 8 in. wide, . . 50c " " " 12 " . . (g Pure Silk Bourdon Lace, 12 in. wide, . . . 7i 41 " " 12 ' ... 85c " " ■ " 12 " . $1.50 and $1.0 Ohantillr Black Lace, Vandyke Pointe effect, 8 in. wide, . 75e k ie i. u 22 ' l 00 Chantilla Lace, scalloped edge, with insertion effect, . 1.0# Chantilla Lace, dotted with new edge designs, . .1.0 Chantilla Lace, hand embroidered in geometrical effecte, . 1.76 Chantilla Lace, scalloped and insertion offect, 10 in. wide, . 45c Point Es Prix, delicate soft material, 9 in. wide, . . 0c White Silk Chantilla Lace, all over dots, delicate edge, 12, 10 and 4 in. wide, . . . 85c, 65c and 35c White Chantilla Lace, new style edge, doublé rows of insertion, 9 fn. wide, ..... l.## White Chantilla Lace, cocal pattern, . . . 5#e White Chantilla Lace, 9, 7 and 6 in. wide, . 40c, 35c and 35c White Chantilla Lace, all over dots, nnique design, 12 and 9 in. wide, ..... 1.75 and l.M White Chantilla Lace, clover leaf, 12, 9 and 6 in. wide, 85c, 65c and 35c White Chantilla Lace, link design, 9 and 8 in. wide, 35c and 30c White Chantilla Lace, ring pattern, 12 and 9 in. wide, 1.25 and 1.9# Heary Pointe de Venice Lace, spider-web pattern, 12, 9 and 6 inches wide, . . . . 1.10, 75 and 55e Irish Pointe Lace, Vandyke effect, 12 inches wide, . 39c Irish Pointe Lace, coral pattern, 12 and 6 inches wide, 50 and 25e Irish Pointe Lace, 9 inches wide, . . . 35e Irish Pointe Lace, 12, 6, 5 and 4 inches wide, 15, 12 and 16c Oriental Lace, Dentelle, 12, 9. and 6 inches wide, 50, 40 aud 3#c " " " 16 and 9. inches wide, . 65 and 85c " " " 18 and 12 inches wide, . 85 and 65c " " heavy, hand-embroidered, 9 inches wide, 5éc Black Worsted Lace, very haadsoiue, for Petticoats, sercral designs, . ... . . . 'J6 Idnen Laces. Linen Lace, 1} wide, . 16c each Linen Laees, 2 wide, . 25c eaak ♦ 2i " . 35c " " 1 ' 12c " " 2 ' . 15c " " i " 12c " " 2 " 55c " " 1L " . 30c " " 1L " . 18c " " 3 30c " Fans. Without doubt we are in possession of tho loreliest line of Fas we have ever shown, in the greatest range of prices and design. We are showing Tinted and Cream Silk Fans at . .50 and 25c Fine Gauze and Silk Fans, delicate tints and eream, at $6.50, $3.25, 3.00, 2.75, 2.50, 2.25, 1.75, 1.50, 1.35, 1.25, 1.00, 76c Fine Cream Lace Fans, hand painted, Oriental designa, at $9.50, 6.50, 5.5 Muslin Underwear, Elegant rich assortment in many exclusive styles of Gown, Skirts, Drawers, and 'Corset Covers trimmed with lace and rikbons - very wide aud long as to gowns and very correct as to akirt. We are convinced there are no greater bargaius to be found in tkc land than we are showing - full widths, finest materials, most careful constructiou, aad withal the lowest prices. We note a few articles out of the hundreds of styles shown. Fruit of the loom Drawer, 3 rows tucks edged with torchon lace, well worth 40c, ..... ÏSe Ladies' Cambric Drawers, wide tucking, wide ruffle, edged with fine Valenciences lace, would be cheap at 75c in this sale 50c Ladies' Cambric Drawers, tucked and finished with fine embroidered cambric edge .... 5#c Ladies' Cambric Drawers, finished with 12 tucks and deep eambric embroidered edge, .... 75c Ladies' fruit of the loom skirts tucked and ruffled, . 50c Ladies' Walking Skirts, tucked and 8-inch embroidered flounce - 8kirt 3 yards wide, .... I5c Ladies' Skirts, 2 rows tucks, finished with 4-inch wide fine torchon lace, ...... !. : Ladies' Cambric Skirts, 3 rows wide flouuces edged with wide torchon lace . . . . . l.l# ' Ladies' Cambric gored skirts - 5 yards wide, made with L yard wide doublé flounce embroidered - designed for the new style dresses, . . . . . 2.## Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, tucked doublé yoke, rufñed, 5#c ; Ladies' Muslin Night Gowns, tucked, embroidered and rufñed, 75c Ladies' finest Muslin Gowns, tucked yoke, collars and cuffi fiinished with fine colored cambric embroidery, . $tc 3 Ladies Cambric Mothcr Hubbard Gowns, Watteau back, extra long and wide, V shape yoke of fine embroidery tucking ' insertion collars and cuffs edged with Irish point lace ....... 1.S5 c Ladies' Cambric Gowns, V shaped yoke of 60 tncke, Watteau c back with mfflle of fine embroidery, . . 1.75 Ladies' Cambric Gowns and Lounging robes, front tucks to waist and box pleated, elegantly trimmed with Irish pointe Nainsook. Strictly $3.00, value at . . 2.85 ' Nainsook Gowns, yoke of Swiss muil insortion, embroidered rufflps on shoulders, cuff and neck, . . . 3. 15 Coesbt Covers, meritorious articles, elegant a3 to style and fin- ish at 55c, 45c, 35c, 25c and . . . 2dc


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