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Schairer & Millen

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Leaders of , Low Prices Wl RCH S ALE OF I ::: ii Sis te Gopfls Never have snch varieties been shown and such low prices offered 50 pieces all wool Serges and Hennettas, Spring Shades, the 39e quality, at 25c a yd. 20 pieces pretty Spring Plaids, doublé fold, at 25c a yd. 45 inch wool Checks and Mixtures, worth 50c, at 39c a yd. 40 inch all wool, navy bine and black Storm Serges, the new price, 32c a yd. 35 pieces all wool Novelty Dress Goods, the 65c kind, now 39c a yd. Lovely Satin Finish Henriettas, the 75c quality, new price 50c a yard. W inch all wooi Serges, last season's price $1, new price 50c a yd. 4S inch all wool Storm Serge, would be cheap at 75c, now 50c a yd. High Art Novelty Dress Goods in Silk Mixtures, Frenen aDd English Suitings, Checks, Plaids and Crepons, this lot of elegant Dress (loods we place on sale at 50c a yd. ) pieces fancy Swivel Silks, the 50c kind, at 39c a yd. 30 pieces coloree! Kai-Kai Wash Silks at 35c a yd. BLACK DRESS GOODS A great sale and a great season tor Black Goods. f 38 inch all wool black Serges and Ilenriettas, worth 39c, at 25c a yard. 40 inch black figured Mohairs, a big bargain at 35c a yd. 4ü jüh all wool black Storm Serge, the new price 32c a yd. I 45 inch ,. ;i wool black Henriettas, were 75c, new price 39c a yard. I 50 inch all wool black Serges, last season's price $1.00, now 50c a yard. I 4G inch fine black Imperial Serge, a bargain at 50c a yd. I 40 inch Silk Warp Henriettas, the $1.25 quality, now 75c a yd. I 48 inch all wool black Storm Serge, regular 75c quality, at 50c a yard. I 40 inch black iigured Serges, Mohair Finish, at 50c a yard. I 48 inch black Iigured Sicilian Mohairs, worth $1.00, at 65c a yd. c 46 inch black Silk Finish Henriettas, Figured Mohairs, Figured Serges, Figured Crepons, Black Fabrics, worth up to $1.00, the new price 5c a 1i BLACK CREPONS Are the up-to-date rage. Wehavethem, the ouly large and representative collection in Ann Arbor. Spring's Daintest Dress Trimmings Now Open. KID GLOVE SALE 50 dozen "Etelka" 6 hook Foster Kid Gloves, in black and new spring shades, the best $1.00Glove in Ann Arbor. For this sale 79c a pair, 79c. " dozen new Flannelette W rappers, for this sale $1.25 each. 'O dozen new Spring Calicó Wrnppers, f uil sleeve, lined waists, pretty styles, would be cheap at $1.25, for tliis sale 98c each.


Ann Arbor Argus
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