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Sunshine pure and bright has been the gUest'of Milan for the last few days. Mrs. Chas. Gáunttett visited Ann Arbor Monday. Several of the Milan people at tended R. Ingersoll's lecture at Ann Arbor Monday evening. Mrs. Powers let't for her home ii (rand Rapid-, Wednesday. Miss Long, of Ann Arbor is at .Mrs. Whitmarsh's a few days each week, wliere she is giving instru mental lessons on the guitar, mandolin and banjo to pupils who vvish to patroni.e her. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wisdom are both ijuite ill with grippe. Miss Etta Sangree, the daughter of Justice Sangree, was taken ill Stinday and died in a few moments f heart failure. Mrs. DeLand died a week ago last Sunday at the home of lier sons near Wabash street. The remains were taken to Fowlerville Tuesday for interment. Editor A. B. Smith and wife and t'i if. Denniscr, and others were Ann Arbor visitors Monday. Mrs. Geo. Minto returned Tuesday from her Vernon visit. Miss Forsythe visited from Friday until Monday with friends in Ann Arbor. Mr. J. C. Rouse s making preparations for building an addition to nis house on County street this summer. Miss Rheinfrank visited friends in Saline over Sunday Miss Mary Bell Sill gave a swell party to 24 of her linie friends Saturday. The event was her sixth birthday. Her presents were numerous and nice, the refreshments were delicious, and the table looked tïne with the cakes lighted up with tapers, a taper for each year. The M. E. ladies will hold their tea social at Mrs. Alex. Smith's on West Main street, Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. E. Pyle is visiting friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Cease, of Macon, gave Milán a cali, Saturday. Mrs. Utter Fuller is quite ill. Mrs. Alice Hill left for her home in Union City, after a two weeks' visitwith friends in Milan and vicinity. The Baptist mission board met at Mrs. Geo. Minto's on County street, i'riday. Mrs. J. Campbell is the guest of Walter F. Guy and family on County street, for a few days. Little Cora Whaley feil on the sitting room stove, Thursday, and burned her cheek, nose and forehead quite badly. Mr. Man, of Ann Arbor, gave! Atty. G. R. Williams a cali, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hinkley carne near being asphyiated, on Friday night, with coal gas, having left the top of the stove partly open. Mrs. Hinkley awoke in time to prevent fatal results, and discovered the escaping gas, and proceeded to let ihe fresh air into the room. She was quite ill, Saturday. It was a row escape. Two little girls, Mattie and Lilly, were lalking the other day in the following manner: Mattie - "My ma, she's got a new hired girl. " Lilly - "What's she got a hired girl for? They hain't no good." Mattie - "O, you see she had her reelings hurt." Lilly- "What hurt her feelings? jlattie - "O, house work. " Lilly- "Phew! Well; I guess the girl'll hurt her feelings worse than house work." Mattie - "No she won't; our hired girl is a daisy, a queen of the kitchen and all of the rest of the house, and she Iets ma go down town whenever she wants to." i Mts. VVard, of Dundee, was the guest of Mrs. Huil, in Milan township, where she was taken ill anc only liveil a íew minutes. Heart failure caused her death. There is talk of a new dressmaking establishment in MiJan in the near future Mr. and Mrs. F. Gauntlett entertained guests frora the Ridge the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford spent Sunday with London friends. The raembers of the M. E. church gave Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Edwards a pleasant surprise in their mw home, W'ednesday evening, and presented them with a fine set of dining chairs. Meivin VV'orth, a well-to do farmj er 111 London, shot himself through the head, Saturday afternoon. He was in Milan and took dinner at one of the hotels, and when he reached home his people informed him that the sheriff had been there looking fjr him, and VVorth remarked that the sheriff wouldn'tget him; and he walked into the bedroom and fired the fatal shot. He died instantly. Deceased leaves a wife and four children. Two weeks previous to his death he had been adjudged insane, and had been taken to the Monroe county poor house, from whence he had made his escape. He was in waiting at the county house for a vacancy in the asylum.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News