Dexter Township
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charle Stebbins, a son, March 13. Mrs. Ferris is visiting her daughter in Hcrwell. Mrs. Butler spent the Sabbath i Livingston county. Mrs. Lynch, of Pinckney, wa here to visit her sister who is sick T. Stanton and family have been entertaining relatives for the pas few days. Mrs. F. Carpenter entertained riends Thursday and Friday of las week. Mr. Stofoot, of Marión, is moving on the farm of Mrs. S. Taylor. Business called Fred Asquith, o: Stockbridge, here Tuesday. Mr. Luick and wife, of Lima, vis ted her sister last week. Mr. Dwyer and wife, of Ypsilanti are the guests of friends in thi vicinity. Mr. Brenner, of Ann Arbor, wa on our streets Monday. Mr. Lehman, of Ann Arbor, made us a cali the first of the week. Spring work began last Wednesday with the farmers. Mrs. Wm. Moss, of Lansing, at tended the funeral of her nephew A. Taylor, last Wednesday. Art. Kiltz, of Ann Arbor, was here last Wednesday to attend the funeral of his cousin. The singing school closed last Monday evening. Professor Sage has taken much lains with his pupils and they have shown a great interest in their work. Byron Hopkins will soon move on the farm owned by Charles Dwyer. Died, at his home in this village, Monday evening, March n, after several months' suffering, Peter Seper, aged 68. The funeral services were held in the Episcopal church last Thursday afternoon. The Baptist young people will give a social at the novelty store Saturday afternoon and evening, when they will sell home-made bread, biscuit, cake, pie, cookies and doughnuts. Frank Henry, employed by A. N. Hodgeman, had the fingers on his left hand badly injured by the knives of a feed-cutter last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moody, of Detroit, and Mrs. Henry Foster, of Dearborn, were called here by the death of Mr. Seper. The social given by Junior C. E. last Friday evening was quite well attended. L. Staffan, of Chelsea, attended the funeral of his uncle here last Thursday. Peter McGue has purchased the Sackett building on A Street. Mrs. T. C. Bristol is being entertained by her Tecumseh friends for a few weeks. Dr. R. B. Honey will soon build a new house. B. B. Williams will do the business. Mr. T. Birkett has taken out his large engine in the Dexter milis and it will be placed in the saw mili of Mr. Birkett's at Petoskey. Mr and Mrs. W. Martin are rejoicing over the advent of a little son. Mr. and Mrs. VV. Collins and children, of Marión, are visiting friends in this place. B. Lathrop entertained his friend from Ann Arbor, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alger are entertaining guests for a few weeks. Bom, on March 4th, to Mr. and i Mrs. G. VVing, a son. D. C. Van Buren, of Ypsilanti, ' visited his friends here, last I day. Mrs. Mosher and daughter, of Jackson, are visiting her sister here for a few days. G. Hangsterfer, of Ann Arbor, was the guest of his friends in this place last Sunday. W. C. Clark, superintendent of the Congregational Sunday school, resigned last Sunday, and A. B. Sears took his place. R. Scadin has returned home from Florida after a few months' stay. Mrs. C. Wilsey celebrated her 84th birthday last Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Stebbins. Among those present was her daughter, Mrs. O. L. Prosser, of Jackson, whom Mrs. Wilsey accompanied home for a visit. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chamberlain last Thursday, a son. G. Clark, of the University city, was with his friends here, last week. Mrs. E. J. Morris is entertaining guests for a few days. E. Johnson, of Ottawa Lake, was a pleasant visitor with his friends, ast Saturday. R. C. Reeve has returned home rom Toledo.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Peter Seper
Charles W. Stebbins
A. N. Hodgeman