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Mr. D. A. Hammond, of Anti Arbor, candidate for school commissioner, spent a few days in town. Mr. Frank Conklin was in Jackson on business. Mrs. Wm. Koebbe visited friends in Bridgewater. Miss Mae Aylesworth spent Sunday with Tecumseh friends. Mesdames Schmid, Lehr and Lehn spent Thursday in Tecumseh with Mrs. Wm. Arnold. Mrs. Wm. Kirchgessner went to Adrián last Friday to attend the funeral of her niece Mrs. Kramer. Mr. Chas. Mann, of Belding, is visiting at Mrs. Payne's. Mrs. Clarence Palmer and daughter, of Pontiac, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kotts. Mr. H. Kirchhofer and daughter went to Bridgewater Monday to attend the. funeral of Mr. Philip Fellenberger. Miss Anna Wager, who has been spending the winter with her parents, has retürned to Cleveland, O. The social held at F. B. Bailey's ast Friday, for the benefit of the star chapter, was well attended. Mrs. Sarah M. Wisner, aged 78 'ears, died at the residence of her son, John Wisner, last Tuesday. The funeral was held on Friday at o o'clock a. m. Rev. Yokum officiated. Last Monday evening the last ular meeting of the Alpha Sigma, which was a public meeting, was well attended and an intertsting program was carried out, viz: critic report, Alma Feeter; recitation, Emma Schiable; select reading, Ruiand Hall; essay, Nettie Logan: vocal duet, Isabelle Miller and Bertha Lehn; debate, Resolved, that the human mind gains more knowledge )y reading than by observation, affirmative, Ployd Austin and Lizzie Farrell; negative, Edward Dresselhouse and Annetta Kingsley; judge?, ! Mr. N. H. Wells, Mrs. A. F. Freeman and Miss Lucy Poncher, decided in favor of the negative; mandolin solo, Henry Neumann; tionjessie Alls; essays, Fred Yokom i and Oeta Hall. The following offi-' cers were elected forthe fall term of '96. Pres., Fred Yokom; VicePres., Arthur Gillett; Scc, Annetta Kingsley; Treas., Alma Feeter; Chap., Win. Payne; Lib , Arton Yokom; marshal, Rolland Hall; usher, VVillie Martin.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News