True Blood Purifier
There is but ONE and only OnO Prominently In the Public Eye Today and that One Is These letters teil of Wonderful Cures by Purified Blood. The world has never seen such marWe thought her doomed to permanent iailed to aflord much relief. A few monthi vellous cures aecomplished by any blindness. She suffered intense pain and ago I commenced taking Hood's Saraa medicine but ÉLoqd's öarsaparilla. keptherhead buried in the pillows most rilla and the trouble has entirely dis The secret of its succees is that it is of the time. If light was admitted to the peared." Mhs. H, W. Bushjtkll l"5 the best blood pitrifier ever produced. room she would ery as ií burned with a Brook, Oxford, New York. It ÍS king over all f Orms Of Bcrof ala, hotiron. As she was badly run down we galt rheum and all Othef blood diSeases. thought before continuing the treatment BlOOd Poison. It is the ouh " medieinc of which eau we would try to buiïrl up her Bystem and " I became poisoned with ivy. Itwould besaid: [t CURES by making pure, renew her strength. We began giving her break out on me, spring and fall. I ha! rich red blood Read these letters: Hood's Sarsaparilla. She began to doctors but was not relieved It would Saved Her Sight 'p- -- ll llVTnTñTZZT. and by the time she had finished taking neighbor recommending Hood's SarsapaAnother Wonder Performed by the first bottle we were able to remove the rilla to me I do not think I would be alivs Hood's Sarsaparilla. bandages and found that she could bear day I used two bottles last fall and three "MyUfctlegirlHazel is now four-years the USht and that the sight was returning, to his spring ar.d it has cured me. old. Twoyearsag, she had the grip After mUCh tO Ur She took severa) PhancisA. Patette, Mishawaka, Ind. recovery her eyes grew inflamed and supbottles antl then was a9 wel1 M ever" lt is A Baby Boy Cured turated. For over 7 „ontta she had to DOW a ' and " , , h,ve UBed ind brttto. of Hoeft have her eyes bandsged and stay in a dark Are Permanöntly Cured. Sar3;!,,?TU]a for my litt-e bov thr„ vear room. !be family doctor and an oculist She can see perfectly, has had no signs of of yho haB fceen tlQaUe !,., , JL did evprytmng possible. She did not imany further trouble and is in every respect badl It has entirely cn-od him prove and even grew worse. At last after perfectly healthy. We have great faith in therefore { recommend it to all mother: sixmonths hegaveu, the discouraging Hood's Sarsaparilla." W. H. who havecWldrensuffering f rom eczema ' opinión that the cornea of one eye was defIBld, 1496 Hastmgs St., Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Petbr a_ Johnson, Cranbury ataye Salt Rheum Cured. tion, New Jersey. And Sight Entirely Cone. "Three winters ago salt rheum broke Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug That it was doubt ful if she would ever be Out on my hands and became very gists. fl; six for $5. Prepared only by able to see any with -the other, as thesight somei making iarge 8Ores. I saw sevaral C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. It poswasrapldly being destroyed in that also. doctors and tried various remedies, but all sesses curative powers Hood's Purifies Peculiar Sarsaparilla The Blood To ltself Do aot be induced to buy any other. Insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Ann Arbor Argus
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