Sad Life Of A Beauty
Georgina, couutfss oí Dndley, onjoys the weli áeseivc.l uiitrt:Mïuii of being oot only oiio of tbo i .,) beautifül mntrons ia Loiidou &-u iy, but also oue of the kindesf and ruo.-i warin hsurtéd of the gróncjadirtsol Iviu.yiair. Siioisadevoted uiother autl deservès a graat aiuount oí credit tur tbo iiKinmr in ■whicli she has broníjht up ber cinldrsu aud tor the devotad care aud loyalty ■which she mönifested to her ecnentric hnsband. üntil Jiis death her existeuce was little better than u martyrdoiu, which she borewitli the most exeruplary patieiico aud fortitude. The late earl was man}' years her senior and the reverse of haudsome, iu addition towliioii be in wany matters was entirely iusaue, having inherited his madness from his father. All this would have oaused many a morher to hesitate before even permitriiii her daughter to wed snch a man, but Lady Dudley's mother, Lady Lonisa líonorieffe, by the earl:s iucomeof over $5, 000,000 a j'ear, forued her lovely daughter to bind herself to him. The contrast betweeu the beautiful woman and the almost repnlsive looking husband whowas her constant coinpanion was so startliug that it drew forth the hackneyed exclamation of "beauty and the beast" wherever they ■went. Had Lord Dudley been less wealthy he would inevitubly have beea oonfined in a madhouse, but eveu during the closing yeárs of his life Lady Dndley never permitted hün to be conBidered as insana, althongh he seldom experienoed incid nioments. Lady Dnd ley was the secoud wiie of the late earl andhasseveu cbildren, six sons and one daughter. -
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News