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A Tough Manxman

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I'ma Manxman, and J. bave inherited a rngged constitufciou. I seldom wear gloves eveu in your winters, and innch cf the time I go without an overcoat. For ruany years I iollowed the sea, and I had oiiu adventure that few would bave lived to teil of. It was a midnight of December when I w-as ordered a!oft to stow the niain royul, and before 1 knew wbat I was about I feil froni the yardarm into the sea. No one on deck had noticed my fall, and apparently no one had heard uiy cry, for the .ship kopt right ou. Tbere I was, with heavy boots and a heavy coat, alone amid the waves of the Atlantic. You may not believe me, but I did not l'eel greatly alarmed. I managod to get out of my boots and ooat, and then I began to swini to keep myself afloat. Somebow I feit that I ehonld be naved. We had passed a vessel abont sunset, and I tliought she'd comealoug and piek me xip. I had been a good Bwiminer all my life, and I kept afloat till daybreak, wben that other vessel did coiuh nloug and n'sli me out, four hours after 1 feil in. We got into New York three duys after my ship arrived, and wbeu 1 oatne aboard, as she lay at her wiuirl', my mates took we for a ghost. -


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News