Saw Service In Every Field
J.etüoit, March ai: - General Fnilip fjt. Í George Oooke died at his homo in tliis city I ;.' o'cluuk yegtarday aftemoon. (ieneral j Cooke was a nativo of Virginia and was 85 years óf age. His career had been identified witli the army since his admls! sii. il to Vest Point when only H yours of agp, but ha wus ulso i mombcr oí the bar of Virginia, and luid writton several inCerésting works, ainong whicli are a. Volume of cavalry Cactics, "Suenes and Ad ven tures in the Army," and "New Mexico and California." General Cooke had seen service in e'ery field where American valor ha been displayed for iilty-scven years. Ia the Black Hawk war be was a leadiug otlioer. He was In hlgu command in the coniiuest of CalMornik and New Mexico. He dlspersed tli - JVpini in 181, and lator led k r;ii(! vgulnst the Apaohes. li cotñ' inniuier uf t lio dopn-i ment of L'tah when ! the ri'he Hon broke out In the land. I Upon.tho brcaklng nat ií tUq rebellion, i iinhki' ni. st southorn oílicers - luoludtng lii.s own mn, General J.iiin R. Cooke, and his famoua i ti luvv, G.ncral J. K. B. Stuarc - hu casi lus word in Mie balanoe tor the Union, rie bécame ooinrnander . of the uavulry reserve of che arroy ot tho Poconmu, ml particip,itel in all the important e Venta in the Peninsular campalgn, at. Gaine-.' Mili rlireccly upposing lus son-in-law, General ötnnrt. Ho aftewnrd superintenclect thi reorultIng orvlco, md iu lsuij took coukiihDiI of the tlepart.meuc ot the Plaito. He wiia breveted nuijor {íeiion.l íor liis .-.Icndu] services in the war whüe in cúmmand of the división of tJia lakes ut Ueiroit. In J874 he was retlred, after f.irty-siiyeara of oontinuons service, wirn üw rank (f brigadier general. He bad lived in Detroit ever smce.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News