No Longer A Whisky Trust
Chicago, Maren 31.- General MoNuIta and K. P. Lawrence, receivers lor tho whisky trust, were in consultation and the (ornier stated that he was uttorly it a loss to unclerstand the motivo of tho sensational articles published in the morning papers or tho authority for their origin. These artloles implica and wifch the ;id ofthevery usèful "it is alleged" stated that Che yicking open of the whisky trust safe at Peoría had supplied proof agalnst the late managers of various crimes, and givou the receivers tho foundation foc guies against aaid maiagers aggregatiug hundreds of thousaads. He was then asKed what truth there was in th statement published in the New York Sun of Maich 14 that the Wine and Spirit (jtizjtte would flght the organIzatlon oí a oew whisky trust to the death. ile said: "The Spirit Distilling association, formed of Feb. 21, is not a whisky trust. There has been no whisky trust formad and thëre is no intention of forming one. There has simply been a conforence among the spirit distilling interests of the country to prevent the enormous 1os?bs that were being sustained. Their agreement prevente the possibility of a trust. The essential principie under whioh they act is that the prices of spirits in che márbet shall be baaed absolutely upon tbe cost, of prodnotion. "The producers are to have a proüt of one-half of 1 per cent. per proof gallon for their spirits, and no more They aro entitled to tlm as a legitímate proüt, and it may bc fairly inferred that this clamor is raisod lor the benefit of the stock gainblers in New York. They seek to destroy the business interest of the receivership, that they may profit on their speculations. lf that mierest, cun be eliminated the business of the receivership will be an absolute success, and as it uppears now its success is assured anyhow, anel they are simply growling because they see defeat in front of them. "
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News