Napoleon's Marshals
The families of the most faruous of the first Napoleoirs marshals are still representad in Frauce. Beruadotte, princeof Monte Corvo, is represented by the Swedish royal fanaily; tlio Princos Murat bear the title of the brilliant c.ivalry numander, Berthier's descendant is the Prince of Wagram, Lauues is represented by the fainily of Montebello, Üudiuot by the Duke of Reggio, Mortier by the Duke of Rivoli and the Prince of Easliug, Groucy by the Marquis de Qioaohy, and Poiiiatowsky by Prince S. Poiiiatowsky. The lines of Marmont, dukaof Ragusa; Duroc, duke of Frionl; Kellermanu, dnke of Vahny; Angereau, cluko of Castiglioue, and others ure extinct, while Davoust, duke of Auerstadt, is represeuted by a grandnephew, uow a coiuiuauder of an army corp. Soult's niiiiie ouly is kept np by a graudsou, the Comte do Mornay Hoult de Delmatia, wl)ilniloncey's title- that of duke ot' Coneitliauo- bas been takeu by a grandson, the Baron de üiilevoisin.
Ann Arbor Argus
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