The Forum
AMERICA'S LEADING REVIEW ■%'%'V%'W'%'%'%' rpHK poBDM vjül take up for discuseion, during ( DJ=.' „. 1895, au unusually wide range of tiniely iiud Í V important topies by the ïuost (Miiineiil writi'rs Í 25C. a Number. i in the fleWs of poiti..s. Finance, Sociolo-;. , For Saie Evenmbere. Uteïature, Religión, Art, and' Science. lo readlhe Forum is (o keep in touch i. lo be without lhe Forum is to mits th the best thought ol the day. ' the best help to clear thinking. i ü:,u uf tli wrirer vho Ii.ive contribotad nrtlole t THE FORUM In I! .. pii,„ ar vu ld embrace pructically evry man uf euiineuce in America, aml most ..i . i-.,. in Boropo. -V lint of subject tioalml wottld cover in th wldmt degreo all topic oí conteiuporaneou interest. THE FORUM is tlierefor uf iuestimable value lo :my ouo who deaii-e to heep cloely in touch witu tlie beat of current thought. THE FORUM PUBLISHING COMPANY, Union Square, New York.
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