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Gity Election Notice. Notioe is hereby Eiren that tho Annual Charter Klection ol the ('il y of' Aun Arboi wlll be held on Monday, the First Day of April. Alwhichtne following city oflicers. viz: A Mayor. President of the Common Couneil City Clerk, City Assessor, and Justice of the Peace, will be olected by the qualified electora of tho whole city: and a Supervisor and an Alderman and a Constable shall be elected in eaoh ward. Also an Alderman in the First Ward to 1111 vacaucy caused by the death of P. L. Bodmer. Said election will be held at the following jil aces: First ward, Gorman School Building;, Washington street, near 5th Ave. fecond ward, Mack& Schmid's Wool House, let stroet, corner Liberty. Third ward, Pomological Koom, basement of !onrt House. Fourth ward, Engine House, Huron street, corner 5th Ave. Mfth ward, Engine House, Swift street, near Broadway. flxth ward. Engine House, E. Univeislty Ave., near College. Gi-en V. Mrr.LS. City Clerk. Dated Match lóth, 18ifi. Special Election Notice. Notice is berebygrlven tliit :i special dection will be and the same is appointed lo he held on tho First Day of April, A. iso;, fioni 7 o'clocl; a. m. and to continue until 5 o'cloek p. nu on eaid day, Standard time, at the severa! places in the several "ards of the city appointed for the charter election of aaid city: to determine by ballot whether the sum of tive thousand dollars fihnll be niieed i tax to be levied in the year of 1896. lor the pnrpose of purchaeing a Hito, for public buifding-s in the First and Socond iv:irds of Paid city. (LKN V. MILLS. CitvC'lerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News