What a Woman Can Do. í want my lady friends to know of the new field now open to them. In the past 6 months we have made a profit of Í907.00 after paying all expenses All our sales have been made at home, not having canvassed any. My official duties calling me away most of time, I left the Dish Washer business in my wife's control with the above results. The business is rapidly increasing, and will continue to grow until every family has a Climax Dish Washer. Not a day passes but what we sell one or two, and some days fifteen or twenty Dish Washers. ft's easy selling what everybody wants to buy. Vou can wash and dry the dishes perfectlv in two minutes. For full particulars, address the Climax Mfg. Co., Columbus, Ohio. Get a sample washer and you can't help but make money. They only cost $5. Vou may just as well be making S5 a day as to be rioing nothing.
Ann Arbor Argus
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