'WHEN SPRING COMES 'I Recommcnd Ke-ru-na to Aü Sufferers," Says Editor W. T. Puwell, oí Ciar ing ton, Ohio. VV. T. Powrll, editor of the Indepeudcnt of Clarington, Ohio, writes that he was taken sick witli bronchitis and catarrhal fever, head was in a terrible conditi.on, lungs were badly affected, being so tight and sore he could hardly breathe, and coughed a] most incessantly. For twu inonths tried local physicians, took cough medicines and other medicines. Took three bottles of Pe-ru na and was entirely cured. It is needless to attenipt to give only the vaguest outline of the wonderful success which Pe ru-na has met with in the cure of catarrh. This success is entirely due to the fact that Pe-ru-na eradicates the disease from the system, instead of temporarily relieving soine disagreeable symptom. Not only is catarrh in all stages and varieties cured promptly, but also colds, cotighs, bronchitis, la grippe, catarrhal dyspepsia, all yieki, surely and permanently, to the ciïrative virtues of Pe-ru-na. As a spring medicine Pe-rú-na is a never-failing remedy. It cleanses the blood through digestión, and gives tone to the whole system by increasing the nutritive value of the food. "Spring fever," as it is sometimes called, which produces a tired-out, sleepy feeling, and jnability to do rauch mental or physical work, is the result of a sluggish digestión, and no blood medicine will be of any use whatever unless it is able to rectify the impaired diges tion. The great popularity that Peru-na has is due to the fact that in all such cases it at once corrects digestive derangements and enriches the blood by purifying this very important sourcé of that vital fluid. Send for book on spring medicines and spring diseases. Also a valnable treatise on catarrh, la grippe, consumption, coughs and colds, by Dr. Hartman, sent free. Address The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. For free book on cáncer address Dr. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News