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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. PAHTIES havinsroarpenterand joiner work to do should consult A. B. Edwards 9 S. Tha yor street . All work flret-class. 2134. FOR SA LE OK ENT-A tiew 8-room liouse wilh a good barn, prood well. two good cisterna, One and one-balf lots of land. Torms easy. Enquire at ifct Detroit St., Ann Arbor. a;tf. CEEDOORN KORSAJ.E. llills Eariy Yell low Dent, at 28 North State Street. A prolilic yielder. 20-24. "OICYCLESALE. A Víctor Model, first class, -IJ at i reduced price. Pipase cali and examine at 88 S. Main St., Corner of Williams. FOK SALE.- 30 acres on Chubb St.. in aero or fire acre lots or all together. Long time, 8mall payment, fl por cent interest Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Moffat Building, Detroit, Mioh. WTANÏKD- l'ositioti by competent pastry " cook. (jood reasons tor leaving present poöition. Miss Leua Rivera, general delivery. 17-W FAKM 1O KENT- Containing about 200 acres plow land at Saline, Mich. Good fenoes and barns. Water In barns. Cali on A. M. Clark, 47 S. División st., Ann Arbor, or A. F. Clark, Saline, Micb. WANTED- A MAN in every section at once to sell stapje goodsto dealers; no peddlinc; expeliente nnneceB6ary; bestside liue. Ï76.00 a month. Salary and expenses or large commission made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for gealed particulars, Clifton Soap and j ManufacturinKCompany, Cincinnivti, Ohio. JJOH KENT- Kooms for light housekeepinK, ■ also use of nice barn, water in the house. Enquire at 14 Lawrence st. 19-24. POULTRV wauted- market pnce paid for all kinds of Poultry, at. the corner of Flfth and Summlt Streets. V. C. Weeks & Co., Ann Arbor. FOK SALE CHEAP- My house and lot on the corner of Tra ver and Pontiac streets, in the Kifth ward of the city of Ann Arbor. A desirable location for wood or coal yard. By thesideof T. &A. A. tracks. William Action. January23, 1895. 9 HHO KENT.- At No. 30 8. State 8t. A flat of jl six rooms. Enquire at 1 S. State St. 28tf PIANO ÏITNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will bein the city soon. Orders left at the Argüs office will reeeive his attentioo. ÜER80NS intending: to put out maple or elm i - slinrir trees should eorrespond with P. H. O'BKIEN Whtttakor. FOfi SALK OR KENT.- Laren new oouse wit li all modern improvenients, cistern and city water in house and well ncar door. Will take in part paymentsmall house or lote ur small tarm neari-ity, balance on lODg timp and low interest. P.O. Box 1846. THE ART AMATEUR Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine. (The only Art Periódica! avrarded a Meda) at the World's Fair.) Invitliialilr. Ui all wlto wish (o make their living hj net or to mifce their luimen beautiful Vnr 1io "' ''11 send to any one 4 A FUI IUl# mentionins this 1(1 tion a specimen oopy, with superb XW W coló1" plates (íorcopyins? or framinfr) and k supplementary pasos of desiKns(regiu lar prlce :jöo. Or FOR 15c we will send also Ialnllti}f for Bexrinners" W paesi HONTAOI'E MARKM, X3 Inioii Snuiirc. B{. V.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News