êêêêL II IS SOMETIESES PÜZZLliS , . , To know just what to do under eertain conditions. OccasionalJy yói seeni to be "betweeu the heavens and the deep sea," and consequentlv feel ill at ease in deciding about Furniture, Carpets and Draperies simply reinembcr one word - And jou wiíl make no mistake in ordering. Any anti all goods solí' by us eau be relied on. My stock is large, larger than ever, embracing all the latest styles and choicest woods. Thé citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity ha%'e neveï been able to see as iine and great an assortment of goods at the prices I offer tliem before and I cheeifullj' ask yon to cali and inspect my goods before making your pmchases. Respectfnlly, MARTIN HALLER Passengrer Elevator. 5li S. 3Iain and 4 W. Liberty Sts., ïelephone 148. Ann Arbor, Micta. Cabinet and Upholstery Work to order our great specialtv.
Ann Arbor Argus
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