Argus Auguries
Kkiüay. Mabch 22- Concert of Lotus glee elnbin S.L. A. couree. satdkday, March 23- Leeture hy Dr. 9. A. ' Stcele. ofNashville, Tenn., in M. K. churah. tfnbject, "Backbone." sattbdav, Mahch 23- Gradúate club will meetwith Dean and Mrs. Vaughan l'rof. A. C. McLaugblin willspeak on "A VLsit to the House of Commons." Hcnday, March 24- Sherwood Kddy, secretara of the Students' Volanteer Movement, will address the S. C. A. Hokday, March 25- Isaye, the famous violinist, will play in ünivursity hall. Toksday, MARCK20- Anuuül elucticin of oftleers of the Choral Union. Wepnesday, Mahcu 27- Miss Octavia Williums Bates in Webbterball on "Darwin." Weonesdav, Mabch 27- Annual electioo of tbe S. C. A. in Nuwberry hall. Wkdnesday and Thukskay, Makcii 27-28- Olassical conference to ticheld inAnoArbor. Thuhsday, Maiu'h 2S- Womau's League will present "Anlta's Tiial" in high school hall. Fhiday, MABOH 29- Indoor athletic moet in, Waterman gyrauasium. Friday and Saturday, March 29-30- Meethiti of Michigan School-mhster'a club at the liiiv.Tsity.
Ann Arbor Argus
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