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Mrs. N. Drake is visiting in Saline. Justice A. E. Gibson was in Flint, yesterday. James R. Uach was in Lansing, yesterday. Mrs. Eugene Mann gave a tea party, yesterday. Wm. Abbey, of Decorah, Iowa, is visiting in the city. Charles F. Staebler has taken a business trip to Omaha. Walter C. Mack goes to New Vork today to buy goods. Mrs. S. P.f Keyes, of Lansing, is visiting her father, Henry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodspeed have been in Grand Rapids, this week. II. J. Browh was riown to his store ! yesterday i'or the fitst time in seyeral weeks. Irs. Olive Diokerson, of Pike's! Peak, is visiting her neice,"Mrs. C. ■ J. Snyder. Samuel I). Kinne has gone to New Orleans and California on a pleasure trip. Mrs. James B. Angelí will attent! a missionary convention in (rand Rapids, next week. Miss Shadford has accept j ed a posiiion in Monroe as trimmer in a millinery store. Miss Grace VVebb, of Jackson, ; was the guest of Mrs. George S. Morris over Sunday. Candidate Smith, of Jackson, who is running for state senator, was in the city Wednesday. Prof. and Mrs. George Henipl returned home Tuesday froni a visit with friends in Saginaw. Mrs. George VV. Patterson g:ive a very pleasant "at home" to her friends, Wednesday afternoon. Miss Minnie Roehm, of Chicago, is visiting relatives and friends. She is on her way to Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. Crandall, of Westfield, New York, was the guest of his brotherin-law, Prof. G. W. Patterson, ■ the first of the week. Mrs. Chas. Kintner, who has been spending á few days with her mother, Mrs. Pack, will return to Xew York, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Howlett attended the celebration of the eightyfirst birthday of Mrs. Howlett's mother in Lyndon, yesterday. Mr. Wm. Merkle, of Breckinridge, Colo. , is here with his parents for a few weeks. He carae here to attend the funeral of his sitter Mrs. C. Frank.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News