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Awarded Highest Honors -World's Fair, Dit CREAIVS BAKING POWMR MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulteran 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. !f the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be bh e and ".■ tb&l m an l weil-tried remedy, Mr Winsi-ow's BOOTHINQ ïykui lor chiidren teethlng 11 suothee tho child, Bofteas thti iruiiis, nilays :ill pain, cures wind colii: tid is tho Ih'M rutfiv for Öiari'aoea. Twe ity-Hvo ceius a bottle Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke YourLife Away . " The truthful, Btartilng litio of a book abont NOto baCt ht üuiy iuirmless, guin ubaoco imiiit cure. Il yon want 1.0 iuit ;iml can't, usu "No-to-bac." Kraees up nlcotlnized nérvea, ellminatea nicotine polsons, makee ■ weaU iium gain strength, weight atul vljxir. I I'ositive cure or inoney refundid. Sold by H. ,1. llrown, üruggist. Rook ut drujr.iiist, or mailed fret. Addres The St(M-li g Remedy Co., Chicago office 45 Kandolph St.: New ïork. 10 Spruce St. A Busir.ess-Makmg Book. Every business man ought toread "Dollars and Sense," a moneymaking book by Nath'l C. Fowler, Jr., the leading expert on business and advertising. iS chapters, illustrated with ioo plates, presenting every style of effective advertisements, with examples of reading notices, circulars and lieadlines. It tells the plain truth about advertising and exposes ineffective methods. Any reader of the Argus who will send check, postal note or postage stamps to the value of tvventy-five cents to the Trade Company, Bos ton, Mass., will receive the book by prepaid mail. The book niay also be obtained at the Argus office for the same money. Estáte of Henry R. Watson. TXATEOF MICHIGAN, OOUNTY O of A t a session of th ProhoH Court for the County of Washtenaw, bolden ;ti t}lt PTormtr Office, in the City oí Anu Arbor. on Thorsday, the Ï4th day of jSlarch, in the year one tbousñnd eigrhl hundred umi mnety five. Present, J. Willaid Oabbilt, Jndgeof Probate. In the matter oí the estáte of Henry ï'. WaNon, deceased . On reatliny: undfllinL: thepetition, dnly vt'rifled. i of Fidilhi iï Watson prayin that administraf tion Ie bonis non with the wijl annexed ot said estáte' may be granted to Willkim H. Daveniort. or soiiK other suitable peraon. Therupon it is ordered, that Mouday. th Sth day of April next, at teu o'clock "in the forantiuo, be assigned tor the hearing of eaid ' pitiii ui, and thai the heirsutlaw ol said deceafed, ] and all uther peraons intPresKHl in naid éstate. are required tu appear at eessiou of nid court then to be holden at the Probate office ! in tbe cityoiAnn Arbr, nud sIiomi cause, i) any there be, why the prayer of the petitionei sbould not be grañted: And it ialurthei ordered that said petitioner give notice to the petson iuterested' in unid estáte of the pendency ol said petuion, aod the hearing thöreof, by ■ causing a copy of this order to be publishod in tbe Ank Ahiïur Akuus, a newgpaper printed and circulated instiid county, tbree succeasive weeks ; previous to sa'd day of hearing. J. WIIXAÍID BABBITT, [A true copy.] Jutipe of Probate, j Wm. (j. Üoty. Probate Register Choice Alsike # #' Maiinio4:h attid Jlirje CLOVE SEEP All farm tools liiifï AT COST iintil ciosed out. ééTk; j rogers ; Inipiement and Soed Slore, ií5-a7 IetroitLSt. j , i no.4 w. washington st. House, Sigm, Opamebal and Fresco Paihteh,' i gUdint;, caloimiuinp, frlazin aud r DanK j in. AJlworkis done In the best and i WHrrRnWd lii iriTe aatiafaoöon.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News