Spring Opening!
Spring Opening will take place on Friday. Satunlay and Mondaj;, Marcli 15tb, 16th and 18th, at whic-h timo vc shail bcgratitied to have yon r-all and inspect tbe finoet and most complete stock of DRY GOODS AND CAEPETS ever shown in tliis city. The conditions obtaining durisg the past two years have led us, as prudent merchante, to reduce our stock to the lowost possible limit. As a result of this policy we are enabled this spring, to place before onr customers a fresh, NEW Stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Carpets, etc, pnrcbased at the lowest pricos tliat have ever prevailed in America. These prices, averaging as tbey do about tliree-quartera tiie ruling rates of lant year, wïll qnable cvery one to replenish depleted ward robes and replace worn furniehinga at figures never to le duplicated As we are the only íirin that lias had a buyer in the .New York market this season, we are enabled to offer exclusive stvles and special lines obtainable in no other store 20 S. Main Street.
Ann Arbor Argus
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