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Estáte of Elizabeth Norton. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ I of Washtenaw, s. At awasion ot the Pro. i bate Opurt íor iheeountyof Washtenaw, holden i m the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor. on I Wtdnesday, the 6th day of Mareh, ín thc yuar ! anetboueandeight hundrerl and Dinety-flve. ProBent, J. Willard Dabbitt, Judge of Probóte. Ir the matter of the estáte of EJizabeth Nohod, leceated. On readuit and flling the petition, duly vcrifitdof tdinuud Hobion, praying that the uhnin. istration de tionis non witb the will annexnl of said estáte muy be granted te George A. Siuifli 01 joiii other ■ nitahlr person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tnesday, the secoml day of Aprü next, al ten o'clock in th forenoon, Ce assigiud for the beariug of said pention and that tiie lieiis at la wel' said deceased, and al! 01 hor persons inleresU-d in s,akl ■■ tate are reqnircd to appenr ;it ;i Bession of eni'i I qouii, then ti) be hulden ut Probate in j tbc ity nf Atm Arbor, auü show caoov i it any ir.irn he, whv Ihe prayer of the petitiom ' ihowld imt i,h gran led: And it is furtlier 01 i ieredtlnu snïd ]K-titioner jlve notice totlieperson- ) ntertMed )f. said estáte of the pendency i potitiou and the hearing thereof by causing n eüpj f tbia order to be publiahed ia the Ann Ahiwk AsGi'S,," newspaper pnntej and circalated in laJdcouaty.threesuccemiTe weck? previoua to nM }. ui bearingi .1. WII.I.Al!!) JiABBITT, A lm copy.1 Judc ol' Probáis Wvi. (i.lioTï. )robiite Register. Estáte ot Elijah W. Morgan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUMÏY of Wanhtenaw, A t a wmirai of th Probate "ïourt forthe County of Waslitenaw, holden vt the Probate Office in the cily of Ai.n Arbor, on Friday, the Ut day of Jlarrh, in the year thousand enht hnndred aDd ninety-five. Present, J. Willard Babhitt, Judpe of Prubaie. In the matfr of tbe estáte ol EHJah W. Moran, L competent. Lucy 1). S. lrker, exeetiuix ol the lost wilt iiiui testament of Frankltn L, Parker, dtceased, iately guardián oí eail Morgan, incompetent, jouies iuto court and representa tbat he ís now i prépared lo render the final account of sail Krauklin Li. Parker as such guardián. Thereupun it isordered, that Monda;, the 25th ilay of Marcb, inRtaut, at ten o'ciock in the foreuoon, be asbigned for exütntmn aud atlowlng such .iccount, and that tbe nexi of kin of Haid ward and til other persons intereeted ïu said estáte, are rtluiit-d to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in tbe City ol' Ann Albor, in aaid county, and show cause, if any iihere be, why the said account should not bc allowed. And il is iurther cnteied, Ihat said guardián íivc notice to tbe persons interested in eaid estáte, if the pundenry of said account, and ttie hearing ibereof, by :au8uir & copy of this urder to be pubished in the Ann Arbor Argüe, a newspaper ipinied and circulatir. in said county three Sfciv; weeks previoni to aaid tiay of hearing. , J.Wn.LAttD RABHITT, [A rrueenny] Judge of Probate, W. G. Doty. Probate Reaibter. Estáte of Henry R. Waison. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol VVasLteiiaw, 89. Ata ses&ionof the Probate Jourt for itie County of Washleuaw, holden at the Probate OiÖce in the city of Ana Arbor, n rïkurod&T the 14th day of March, in the ear tliousuuj eight hundieï and liinetv-fivr. Present, J. Wiilard Babbiït, Judye of 1'tobate. In the umttcr ot tbe ettttti' ')f Henry It. Wntson, jeceased . Oeorge Coe, theiitlministratorde bonis nun, with Ihe win anuexcd. ol said estáte, coiub mto court and represenl that he is now prepared to render bis iliütl account ae such administrador. Thereupon it is ordered that Monda y , the etabth day ol April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be at&igned íor examining and allowiug such account, and that the beire at iaw of said deceased, and all other persons interesttd m aaid pMLöie. nrereqnired toappear tasetMon of said court, then to be hulden at the Probate office, in tbe city of A nu Arbor, in said couniy.and show cause, if any there be, why the caid aioou&t hou UI not be allowed: And it is further ordert'd, that said aduiiniftrator give notice to the persons intrreated iu baiU estáte oí the m-u Uency of Hiiid at;count, and tlie bttminff thereof , by catisiug a copy of tbis order to bc poblïBhed in the Ann Akbuk Am.Dh,a newspajjer pnnied and i etlating in said ounty, thrte suciwïbfiiTe week previoiiü U gaid dav of bennug. J. WII.LABD BA BRITT, ( truc copy. ) Jude of Pïobaie WirxiAM O Dutv. Probate Ketnster.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News