HEART DISEASE. Fluttering, No Appetite, Could not Sleep, Wind on Stomach. "For a long time I had a terrible pain at my heart, whicli fluttered almost incessantly. I had no appetite and could not sleep. I would be compelled to sit up in bed and belch gas from my stonjach until I thought every minute would be my last. There was a feeling of oppression about my hcart, and I wns at'raid to draw a f uil breath. I could not sweep a room without resting. My husbaud induced me to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and am happy to say it has oured me. I now have a splendld appetite and sleep well. Ita elfcet was truly marvclous." Mltó. UAKliV E. STAIiU, I'ottsville, Pa. Dr. Miles lfe;irt Cure is sold on a positivo roaranu-i! that iho Brst bottlo vrill benefit. All drusgistssell itatSl, G bottles for?5,or it wlll besent, prepaid, on receipt of priro by thelr. Milos Modioal Co, Elkhart, Ind. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. AHEAD OF ALL MAGAZINES tkis cmt,ntry kas seen. -Albany Argus. IN THE NoHTH AMERICAN BfcViEW are always fountl The Right Topics, By the Right Men, At the Right Time The Nok tii American Keview is recogni.ed on both sides ot' the Atlantic as the foremost Keview in the Eiiglish langu age, and nu expeuditnre is spared in maintainingit in its unrivalled position. The Review is the mouthpiece of the men and women who know most about the great topics on which Americans require and desire tobeinformed from niouth to mouth. lts list of contributors fonns a roll of the representative men and women of the age. Subjects that concern the interest of AMERICAN WOMEN reoeive constant and special attention. Among topics recently discussed are: "Women .Suffiapie in Practico": "The KeDaisance of Woman"; "Woraan in Politics": "Tho New Aspect of the Woman QuestioD," and "The Modern Girl," by the author ol "Tlie Heavenly Twins" : "The l uture ot Slarriage" ; '"Bvils of Early Marriagres"; "The Servant (Jirl of thfi Futute"; "The Financial Dependance of Women": "Trades-Unions for Women": "The Lack of Good Servante": "American Life and Physieal Deterioration" : "Good and Bad Mothers"; "The TyranDV of tho Kitehen": "The 4mateur Nurso"; MarkTwain's Defenseof Harriet Slielly etb-, etc. A NEW FEATURE FOR 1895. The Kkvikw wili publish lu 12 chapters, bepinnini witli the January number, the Personal Hlstory of the Second Empire. a htstorical work of ansurdassed Imporl a nee, whioh wil] throw i Mond of uew lig-bt upon tbe chequered career of Napoleon 111 , and Hip inffuenceM which led to tbe callapseof bis Empire in the ■if.'Hnüc strutfirle with united Germany, under Wilhelm I. a.nd bis Iron Chancellor. It isas fasciniiting as u romance, beinj; riehly anecdotal nnd fu.l of informa tion diawn frotn souroes hitherto lnaccesslble, presented In the ïrapblo und rivacioua style which 'The Rngrllsliman In Fans," by the same author, has mude familiar to thousanda of readers. 50 Cents a Copy ; $5.00 a Tear. Thft Nortii Amiirican Review, 3 i;isl i i li St.i New Vork. r B. NOKKJS KA Attoknky at );Aw. !oo a reneral law collectlon and conveyatieiu)f buuiness. A moderate share of your patmnafe re8ie:tfullv olicited. office, lti E H ii ron Street, upgtnirs. T!RE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Aiitnt lor the followiiiR Flri Cl8 Companiiü rcpresenttng over twenty-eiKht Million Dollara Ameta, issues polioiei at the lowest rates Mtna, of f lartford $9,192,644.ihi Franklin of L'hila 3.118,713,00 Germaniaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 london Assurance, Lond'n 1 ,416,788.0(' Michigan F. SM., Detroit 287,608.(0 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,696,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505.0(1 Pbenix, N . Y 3,759.036.00 WSpeelal atteottoo givna to th iniurani ol welling, scfloola. churones aod public bulldinfr n term? of thref and tivo veara JCaveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J Jent business conductcd for MODERATE FEES. SOun Office is Opposite U.S. Patent Office? and we can secure patentin less time thaii uoieS roaBote from Washington. i Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-f Stion. We advise, if patentable or not, free ofj Jcharge. Our fee not due till patent is stcured. S S A Pam ph let, " How to Obtain Patents," with J 5cost of sanie in the U. S. and foreign countriesj Jscnt free. Address, 5 C.A.SNOW&CO. ÍOpf. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. 5
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