[Tu a Rirl ;it a úistiinoe.] Why mnst. you o four thimsand mi]fa awayt Ir. throwa onr oorrmpoiidí :n-c out of gear. i I cunnot cable to yon i v v d:ty. U a inurli tío publir i '.)]OT doar. Yon write ü;r sympathj -1 Rympathize. You x1' my aHHwer un Oiiys after date, And theB, with spirits sky high, yon ;lpsplse My jjoor atueiapts your sorrow hn Meaii'.vlnlc fu raj bilarions laat bnt on Hcrc romos vrar hite bnt Rimilnr r ply But nmv my turn :it tlnmpn ha .jiist begun I cant enjoy yunr truimphs whilc I sigh. And o our ni Is go -i :.w- iip and down. Onr lettors roas perversely, cokl nr fond TIn re's only une rwln x's- come back to lown. Awl theo wc'll meet undrcoseto corraanond.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News