Sthingshad F KOM WhenaijS Í determined to try S. S "s „h ' Í ? four months was intirely cuïeri T" S terrible Eczema was gone nor Jhe ? f of it left; my generafheaïtHuilt3 ) and I have never had any return of { the disease. f 1 1 1 1 ni i , a a ! C I have sinceRH Iki fi fl fl 5 recommended VILUNUIJH V S. S. S. to a nurabei ol Irlends tor ïltin h" f ƒ eases, and have never vet known ? ■ dls" GEO. lRWIN."l"UDr? ' I B-fcM-JB] J'vJn' falls to' cur, { ? freetiyaddresT Skln ""'ifiM ? IWJFTSPECIFICCOjAtta, Sa. V WALL PAPEB: WALL PAPEK. OF ALL The Newest Designs. PRICES THE LOWEST OSCAR C. SOUG THE DECORATOR, 70 s. id:.iisr st. ■ÈfÈ BKISUREDIflïHCUS rAlíüIDíCK LT lilJiTmiilIIi Mild AjtTnFiwE P THE AMERICAN TDflAECD COHPAHY. SÜCCES5ÖR. W ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CICARETTE Ha stood the Test of Time MORE SOLO TH AN ALL OTHEft BRANDS COMBINEO Fruit Trees! If you latend t sf o il Peacti, Pear, Apple oh Fruit Trees of any kind, yon wül save moirev tywrithiK 'o the MICHIGAN NURSERY CO'. K ONROE, MICH. They have the best aot kardiet var etlëa for this part of the country Small Fruits ot All Kinds, and :i lare asHOMirent of tlie best and liatdieft Hoses, Slirub1 ery and Ornamental Trees and Planls. i I I ta ?? ►? 1 2 pq 3 b S g p p; i W II g í Í S á 1 3 i i % 1 5 f ■ i "9 !? B I g i & i i I I lij 1 RAEERT. &ROCERY AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE, We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, 4c. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply ot OSBORIVE'N GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift Sc Co.'s Beet "White Whea Flour, Bye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, yjed, &o., &c, &&, At Wholesale ind Retsll. A eeneral stock ol 9B00EBIES AND PEOVISIONS i-onstantly on hand, which iill be sold on as reMniuhle terms as nt any other house in the aty. E?Cash paid tw Butter. Kgss, and Country J rndui e eeneniliv. [ITRtioits Delivercil to .iny panol the citywlth i ii' ertrn charp-i-. Rlxiitey Si Seaboït.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News