Estáte of Daniel Sutherland. STATE OK MICHIGAN, COITNTY l)F Washtrnaw, ss. i a session ir tl e Probate Court lor the C Hiuty of Was'itcna, holden at the PnibHte Office in iln1 I 'ity OÍ Aun Artior. o Monday, the V h óay ol Kc'iui.rv. miheyear one thousandei-'ht hundred and uiiietv-flve PrRsent.J VVillaiií Babbiu, uf Prtibate. In the matter of the nf i 'aniel nutherlmwi, uecea-ed. On,readlog and filiDg the petit-on dnly verified of &arab .1. ButheïTand, prflyi'ug ih:u n certain instrument now on file In thm coutt, pnrportIng to be the laat will and ittitiuient i auid deccased may be admittel to prob'te, and tbatadïnuiiptiatïon ot gaid esta may be ifr-ntd to herseli, the oxecutrix io said will nnmed, orto some other cuítatele person. Tlioreupon it is ordered, that MoiHay, thp ïsth day of Murch next at lOo'clock in Iheforenoon, De assicned for the hearinu of uid pelitiwr, und thnt the devisees. légateos atnl helra-atlaw of said deceaaed and all other poreout ïnUiteR'11! iu said estáte, are rtquired to appettr at BRBioii of Hflid court, theu to be hnldt-n at the Probnte Ofticp in the city of Ann Arbor, and sliow (ï!tl8e if miy there be, why tbo praVer of the petitionci should not be jranted. And it is further ordered that suid petitloncr ttive üotioe to the persons intrpstea in said estnte oí the pendencj of s'iid pctition aml tho hearina thereof, by caunin a copy 01 ihis order to be pnbliahed in the Ann Arbor Akuus, a news]aper printed and cirrulated in aid county, thre succeBöiTe we-tii pr"vinus tottaiödayof hearing. J. WILLAKD BXBülTT, (ATKUEC-oPYi Jud(f ofProhnt I Wili.iam G. Uoty. Probóte Revistet i 1 ' otice to Credltors. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTÏ of Washtenaw bs. Notice is herehy piven, that by an order of tire Probate Court for tbs üountvof Washtenaw, made on the rourteentliday of Jannarr A. D. 1S95. six months trom that date were allowed for oreditors to present their rkitmc against the estnte of Einily L. Dancer. lateof iiiii couDtT.dereaced.and that 11 crédito of said deceased are required topri'sent ttieir -Uinu to said Probute Court, at the Probate Office in tbe city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance. on or before the fifteemh day of July, next, and that uch claims will be heard licfore sW oourt. on the öfteenth day of April, and on the fifteenth day of July uext, at ten o'clock in tntï fornoon of each of said dayt. Dated. Ann Arbor, January lñ, A. I). 1S95. I. WILLAKD ItAfiBI'IT, Judffeof Probate. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTT of Wíishteoaw. The undersiened havine been appointed by the Probate Court for sald Cmmty, (,'ommissioners to receive, examine nd adiust hII claims and demanda of all persoUK against Ihe estáte of Ellen OH ara, luie of sald eounty, deceased, hereby Lve noiice tbai six nionths fp'in date ure orderof iaid Probsh' Oourt, for creditors to present their claims agninstthe estáte ofsald deceaced, and that they ill meet nt the office of nfieorgn C. Paf$ft in tke village ot Dextr. lD said eounty, on taturday, the lhtb day of May, and on Monrtay, the I91I1 dsy of Auguat, next. at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said di8, to receive, extiuiipe and adjut safd claims. Daied.Februarv. lSth, 1895. GKOHGK C. PACK. ItUSSÜLL 0. KICKVE, Cominissionern. Notice to Creditors. . TATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF Wai-htennw, 8. Notice is hcrebv givon, that b' an ordf-r of the Probate Court for the Countv of Washtenaw, made na the 4th ly of Marck A. 1'. lfli. ix months frorn thnt date were allowd for credit or to present their claims against the estnte of Lydla Siitlierland, late of Baid eounty, deteased. and thnt all creditoro of said deceed are required to present their olaima to i-aid Probate Omrt ,at the F róbate Office in the cltvof Aun Arbor, for examination and al1 'wnnce, on or before the 4th day of September nest, and that such cliims will be heard bciore said Court on the 4th day of June and ont.he4ih day nf September nest, at ten o'clock in the forenoonof each of said rfays. Dated, Ann Arbor, Mareh 4th. A. 1. 1M5. J. WILLAKD HABIUTT, Judfe of Prouate. Notice to Creditors. (JTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O ol Waghtenaw, ts. Notire is herehy giren, tnat hv an order of the Probate Court for th Oounty of Washtenaw, made on the tenti day Of .lanuary. A. D la9.'i, six monthB from that d.te were allowe.l for creditord to present their claims against the eslate of Jnlin Klynn, latf of said eounty, deceased, and that all creditors of said Meceaseil are required to present thei relais tu s iid Probate Court, al Probate Oltiic in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowanoe, on (.r hefore the ti-nth day of .luly neuk, and that such claims will beheard before said Court on the tenth day of April, and on tlie tenth day of .luly next at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of sair! days. Date, Ann Arbor. January 10, A. n. 1895. J. WlLLAPvD ItABBITT, Judge oí Probate DEH0RITI1TG A. F. SMITH Has full eqnipment for dehorning vicious and unruly cattle. AIso auctioneering. Farm sale a specialty. Enquire of Blue Grats Dairy Wagon, or Box 1433, Ana j Arbor. 18-28 1
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News