Ticket Of Leave Men
. Th? i ticket of lea ve is, in most inBtaucaSi only a ineans to compel tbe un-fortúnate ex-prisoner to give faoilities to (he pólice to throw obstacles in the way of obtaining honest employment. ; These obstacles may not be intentionally created by tbe pólice. ín some cases the reporting of the ex-convict inay enable those whose duty it is to keep an eye upon his movenients to prevent a hopeless thief from palming himself off for purposes of tbeft tipon some unsuspecting eniployer. In a very large nutnber of cases, however, it rne.ins that men who have been in a conviot prison only once, and who may have found their way there owing to untoward cironmstanoes, intemperance or temptation, and uot through calcnlated crime, are prevented by this pólice surveillance from obtaining fair play ín their eudeavor to throw off all traco and enspicion of their past crime and prisou experience. Where the "ticket" penalty saves one employer from the risk of harboring an old jailbird ín the guiso of au honest worker, it prevents 30 men who may be honestly bent upon better woys from obtaining the employment which would make them indanfindont of criminal nratinfis
Ann Arbor Argus
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