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aforesaid from eight o'clock in tbforenoon to eight oclock in the ft il noo, lur the purpose aforesaid Datfd Maich 12, A. 1). 189S John J. Fischjesu Fkaxk Wood, C. J. Sxydek Board of Registration In tkt Mleciors aj the Fcurlh Wnrd of n City of Anti Arbor: Notice is hereby giveri that a meet ' mg ot the Board of Registration oí th fourth ward of the City of Ann libo, will be held at the Engine House corner ol E. Huren Kt. hikI FifUi ve in said city, on Tuesday. Match 2' 1895. fot the purpose of registerina the names of new electora in said ward in said city who. may apply for that purpose, and that said liom-irl of Uegistra tion will be in session on the day and the place aforesaid from eight o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the. afternoon, for the pnrpose aforesaid Dated March VA. a. D, 180.5. GKOKtiji il. Pond, A. P. Fbbguson, IÍ. J. ÜKOWN, Board of Registratiou. To the Electors of tiie Fifth Ward of the City of Ann Arbor: Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Hegistration of the iifth ward of the City of Ann Arbor will be held at the Engine House' Swift St., near Broadway, in said city on Tuesday, March 26, 1895, for the purpose of registering the names of new electors in said ward in said city who raay apply for that pnrpose, auil that said Board of Kegistration will be in session on the day and the place aforesaid from eight o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose aforesaid. Dated March 12, A. D. 1895. Thomas SSeechií . Charles II. Ma.nly. Watteu L. Tayloh. Board of Hegistration. To the Slectors of the Sixth Ward of the City of Ann Arbor: Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Board of Kegistration of the sixth ward of the City of Ann Arbor. will be held at the Engine House, E. University Ave., near College St., iu said city, on Tuesday, March 26, 1895, for the purpose of registering the names of new electors in said ward in said city who niay apply for that purpose, and that said Board of Kegistnition will b in session on the day aml the place aforesaid froru eight ■. In the-forenoon to eight o'clock in tle afternoon, for the purpose aforesaid. Dated. March 12, A. 1 . 1895. E.VAKT II. SCOTT. AKTHUlï .ƒ. KlTSOx, HokackG. Pkettyhan, Board of iïegistration. To the Electors of the Scvcnth Wárd of the Cüy of Ann Arbm: Notice ís hereby giveti that i meeting of the Board pi Registratioti of the Seventh ward of the City of Ann Arbor, will be held at Ilatiimond's Shop, State street, near IJackard, in said city, on Tuesday. March 26, 1895, for the purpose of registering the names of new electors in said ward in said city, who uaay apply for that purpose, and that said Board of Registration will be in session on the day and the place aforesaid from eight o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose aforesaid. Dated March 18, A. D. 1895. Evart H. Scott, Ernbst Ebkrbach, F red H. Belser, Board of Eegistration .


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News