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Nervous, Despondent, Diseased Men

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T. E. GLEA.80N. T. E. GLKASON. G. O. KOLUNS. G. O. KOLLINS, Before Treatmmit. Aller .. liefoiv Ircaluioui. iVfttr Treatment. Emissions, Varicocele. Seminal 'vVeakn-ss, Abus', SyohiliS' Gleet, Stricture, Unnatural ..ischaiKes, Loss (;t Viuil Fluid n Urine. Impotenov. Sexual ;!nd M-ntal '--. oakicss, K.dney and Bladd ir Disea-.o Ppsi vely CUREO Ot'-i NO PAY. 16 Years sn Detroit. 2 COCO Gured. Youngflr Middlc ïon have le.l a aj lifp or indrücf-i in '■ ■ ■■ '■ -X oariy youth. Yon fooi Aged Man. t&OByinptoinai4tQ:iUaït.v i m. mr-ssei iuive brököi' down yonr syetom. MtMully. ih.yin--'-. u wdxisva . ■ i.ü : .-.'. I .- ■. ,.ji ;- i.u ii-eü to be or shoula be. Lustfal prautices ri'ao riclr"liarvf.-t-. ']fiinkcit )■■ f:trip. Will you heed the danger signáis? Are yoii nervons 8 ■! aeak; (lespoutlutil uui k ■ " : speok bofore tyes; back wnak and fciclnfy irritable; [alyitóiion of lieart; driims iiñtl Iwí-i-s ;itnight;sedimont in urine; wtake()el [xiaohod; pimp ea ;; r'M : e es ■-■ ■■■-■! :■! rhctfcfi bollow; pi)or memnr.v; rareworu uxfirasnion: %'arici ■ ■; li.-d :i mormti: lifo eso: riistrustfnl; iiick energy strengtL and atn&ition Üar ew "eüioü Treatmenl will (mitively cme ytai. it will makp a man of yon nnl I j . wil. open r-,.iV. :'.'. gn,n míenlo arre yáunr refunda I mom y paid. L""No names iisoii i;;ioui wrUten oagsont. Ci.OCO uaiü ior any casa we take and cannot cure. -I SNATCHEO FWOftfl THE CRO.VE-A Warnlng Frorn tho Living Emissions "Al i:. 1 I ':imi -I i h !■: ibit. Hl ■.--(- kvti ,v-nr. Trierf fonr iioctorn Cured. aud m:i;cs t tu .■. .,'i;,..:; briil; J Ixtemnp t n: vuli ytnek. A friernl whb liad üwa ritnnl bji !■'■ !■, -.. , ■ , ;ijhii f a -ini:-: f i - -. ■ - ..■, a rima rao to try them. J ili.l .., nmi ia t-w ■ ■ i; , .us ;. . uivi-lj corad. LUis v" eiglit yeara agO. 1 ÍL.H Q;iW .U.lff.;) i L l l l .■ ■ S l (1 , ■. '1." ('. v, , SaRin w, Mich. Varicocele "Varicooele, tim resol tof rij vií-, rnwilo lif m ■ ' . I' n ww.k :ind nerCured. vouh, eyes HJnl■■. . baHhftil a -ori.JÍ v, iuir t'i n. 'l i r, I() t:ps ;it niífht, no ambition. The "G-ohlen Mouitor ' ci ■■) m ,; ! .■ ,■ '' ■ lihne t of Drs. Kennedy fc Kergan curod ma n a ■ I .i. . . , ,,■;,. ■ . .ioh. Svphllis "Tllis terrible bloo I li mtoru for :i ' !: n merCured. cnry for two yoars. bnt tilo il - i urn ■'. Cf : . . ' lilotclio n the skin, ulcere in the inouth and on t. , ... icvlfuw-. eto. My brotlior, wlio halbwn cur.xi of ' ::'.jd r, ' !;■ ier mi. recommendod them. Th'ey cnrpd mein i fov ttw . :inJ I ilutúJ i . kuhiwI llioin. No roturn of tlie diBeiise íg ix .'u,-." .... sou, Miöh. A Minister Tho l'.v. W. V,. Bimi-kx, nf ■■ ' ■ i' );, , :-. njnrionsto Speaks. the miii'l, bw! ; ■ '.,.■. . . ,;. ■, ■. ■ ., ,. entmany victime ofthis lnstf l híibic o Ijia 1 ' ' . íca.i iuairtiJy endorse thiur A'w ñletkod realinem wii ' i ■■ ■ j . A Doctor " ,.■■.■, ... ..,,. of u;i imd Recommends Htxitat Ubi . , . ■.. ■ .. . ', . . ,, .,. , , ,,,. ,. ...,;, i h'rKin. Many It. caseí which naület kuoi-hs .F {)!iys;i-;u; ■ , . , ■, . lew weeks. X havo seea this witi m owu eyoa :udknowii u ,■ .■ . ' ... . i.; .1 -,i iN, M. I. Danilav Have yon been?niity? lív ;.'' i .■ ? ■■ ifik? Do yoa ntCUül desire to beauwni' Are jou con'.-?i!l ... .r , ■ . , MiJ Trctitment wili poKÍtivnly onr yon. Cures G'tatH e I (. . ' ; !-.i . .■ ...I'..'. i--e. No matter who has treateH jou, wi-it.; .r n. hon i . i r, n chaire. Cliarges reasouabl. Bookt Free.- "The Gol Jen ■l:-utur" UiliistrutoJj. ou jisv;usuo. Muu, Encloso iioslao, twocent-}. Benled. E-sFNo Ñames nsed wMIiosm Writtrn Consent. Private. So Medicine Seúl (J. O. D. No Names oh liosos or IJnyplopcs. Everythlag Confideatial. Quesüou Lisl fui1 Home Treatment and Oost of Troatmcnt; fc'rec. Drs. Kennedy &, Kergan, 148 SíiBlty Street, Detroit, Mich.


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