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Snub For The Old Chancellor

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BBRLIN, Alaren ó.- Bismarck snubbed by a Germán reichstag! That is what is the centre of talk in Berlin and all over Germany as weli as Europe. The man who made the Gorman reichstag possible refused honor at its hands. That is the view of a largo section of tho (erman people and of course of all of .Bis marek's friends, one of whom said in tlu debate, amid cheers from Right, that the reichstag owed is existeneo to Prince Bismarck, and it was inconceivable that a child should refuse to congratúlate; lts own father. But 11 argument was nseloss in the reichstag and Levetzow's proposition that the reichstag congratúlate Bismarck on his birthday was voted down- 168 to 14(5. The partios which combined to do this were Centrists, Poles, Freisinniges and members of the Volks party. All the socialista voted against it. The rejection of the motion is eertain to cause a great deal of feeling in the country. Richter, the Radical leader, foresaw this when a few days ago he explained the reasons why the Badioala would oppoee the proposition, when he said that it was not a question of politeness toward an aged statesman. Prinoe Bismarck, he claimed, still represeuts certain political principies and his great persona'.ity cannot be divided into the Bismarck who achieved so niuch in behalf of Uerinan unity. and the Bismarck who has been thoroughly iiostile to lili ralisiu. Of courso such a vote created great excitement. Tho immediate result was that Ievetzow, president of the reichstag, announcod his resignation, whioh oausetl au eitraordinary scène, the membera of the right rising in a body and cheeriug vociferously as they clapped their hands in approval of Levetzow's actlon. Even the gallones expressed satisfaction in the most open iind marked manner. When the exoitement liüd subsided Levetzow again arose imd formally handed over the presidoncy ol thé reichstag to Baron vou Bouel-Berenl)erg, the senior vlce president. As he did so Von Bennigsen ex■pressed the belief that Dr. Burklin, tho other vici; president, who is now it Switzerland, will follow Von Levitzow's exatnple. He has already l'ollowed. Although it was sliown thnt considerable opposition exiated unoug ihe members of the reichstag to formally congratulating Prince Bismarck on his birthday, yet it was not entirely expected that this opposition woutd be carriad to Cha extont of a rejection of a uiotion to do so. In the lower nous? of the Prussian diet the CentrisN, Polos, Freistnnlgo .ind Socialista united íigainst n similar motioD ; to congratúlate Prlnco Bismrok on bis birthday; In this Instance tin? povernment secured the adopción of the propos! tion by a largo majority, The result of the vote in the reichstag was instantly conveyed to tímperor Willtam, who.HO intense annoyance can bí judged by the followlng telegram whicli he lmroediately penned and cauaed to b forwardeü to Prince Bismarck. "I have to convey to ypnr serene highness the expression of my most profonnd indignation tit the resolución which the reichsta has jast adopted. It is in most completa opp.jsition to the fci-iings of all the Geruiun princes and peoplo. [Signed], "Wilhelm." Bruperor William has received the fol lowing reply: "I pray your majesty te accept the respectful expreasiou of iny gratitude tor the most grm-ious message by wliioh your majesty has transferred the action of my political opponents, concerning which I am not yet fully Infornv ed, into a source of joyfal satisfaction. [Signed],


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