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Fair And Phcebe

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San Francisco, M.iro'b aö.- The Cali yublishes u Ioii.t story telling of the afTection thnt existed bofwri-ii tlie late James d. Fair and Miss Phoebe Couzins, the well-knou u lecturer and womau's rights advocate. According to The Cali they were encoged to bo marrled and on)y the leath of the mlllionaire prevented the wedding. Miss Couzins is at present In San José taking care of her brother, who is UI. To u eall reporter she told of her affection for. Fair. She r.old hor story froely, cundid ly and without hesitancy. Beforo speaking about herself she said: "I will begin by acating Chat thore were niaiiv eonüdeuces between lr. Fair and myseif wiilch I cannot touoh npon at all. He told me all abo ut his life - his success, bis r'ailures, nis joys and his gorrows. Krom these conüdonces I conoluded tliat tie had buen moreslnned aga-lnstthan sinnlng. 1,!-(I Hilll nu Plmt Ai qUJtint uu-r. "1 üi-st niet Mr. Fair in tlie Kiggs House, Washington, i). C, in 18S:J, while he was a UuiCeil Stules senator trom Nevnda 1 toi)U a hkiug to him at ouce. The deteeis in lus oduoatlon and manners were colli plewly overwhelnied by his natural jífi'at iess, as I aosr hiin. i soon admirad him vory mu:h and 1 eould ee ShftL lie alB.i liKe t to be iu my compauy and seeined tu i.ike an interest in my w.irk and in my viwa oí social and politirtin n ïestioiii. Hal this. our Ilrst Iriendshii, did ik; at unee Co auythlng moro ■ wariuet ihan nutruul admirarion. In Che ciarse ot a. lew moiltlis we purted, 4s true irii'i is pare. iic retiiiriiott CO Nn■ul-i autl (J.ulornia aliil L lesumod my svo.k in dm' ü'uut pares oí the vrorut. Sovórai years p wed and wo did auc meet uutil some Miik' ifi-er my inotlier's death." Vrtl to Uun tu lier Tfuublrs. Miss C'uuzns tben related lier ti'oubles wich the World's fair board oL lady managers and iier eflorts tu have a bilí passed by congress to seoure pay for lier services as bOCreCiu y. . ö.ie uppiied Co Kair for politieal as.-iMnn.-u, and ralChough he said he hiid uu sncíi uilluence he wrote very kindly aiul a-itiil liar to correspond with him. bnu responded. "And tliis," Miss Couzins reaumed, alter a pensive pause, "'opeaed tho oorreipoaUence betvveen us which eventually led to our betrothal. For gome time afler tliat letters passed between us at regular intervals, and tlie spirit of thu correspoiKiöiiei! grow warmer and more confidencial with each letter. l'oppoii Mie Oiu'simu at Chicago. "ribortly alt'i' rer.urning to Chicago 1 receiveil a letter fi'oni Mr. Fair in which he stated Chat be w mld soon see me and that he was coming vvltb serlous intentlons to ask ny hand und heart in marriage. Mr. Kair, aocompanied by his secretarios, Biesse and Angus and, I thlnk, Mr. I (.Jrotliers, arrived in Chicago May 7, lSWü, and took apartments at the Grand Pacilic. Mr. Fair imniediately sent me nis card. 1 mei him in one of the parlora and he exprèsaöü great happiness at seeiug me Sgatn. fíe toid me Uien and there that he had come all the way from California for tlii' purpose of asking me to beeome his wif .'. 1 told him that I would pive hiin a deünite au-wei' within a few days :md dirertly intimaied tliat ho need not have iear of my linal decisión. He seerued very luucli pleaséd at Chis."


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