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' WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. p ABTNBB WANT KD-A young.well-knowñ ■ - lawyerof high standing and charncter , in the city of Chicago, desires 10 assóoiate nimself with one of good standing who can command $5,000 caen, to join him in purchasïng the entile law and legal business of i wel Iknown law, mercantile and collection association, desiring to ostablisb branches in New York, Phüadelphia, Boston and other oities. Ihe law department is very valuable and without limit. Only those who ran fu?nish the highest reference and have cash need Lawyer, 403 Stock K_oh__ge, 167 Dearborn St. Chicago, 111. 22-25 OOR SALE- A new milch cow, two miles - wesc of 'Northfleld ehurcl). .lohn Breni"Ser. 23.25 _,, 1JARTIE8 havingrcarpenterand Joiner work to do should consult A . B. Edward.s, 9 S Thayer Street. All work first-cl&ss. 2124. ÜÜR SALE OR REXT-A new room house I with a good barn, good well, two good cisterns, oue and one-half lots of land. Terms easy. Bnqnlre at 33 Detroit St., Ann Arbc-r. " CEEDCORN FOR SALE. Hill's Early VelJJ lo.w Dent, at is Korth State Street. A prolific yielder. 20-24. TJICYCLE SLE. A Víctor Model, flrst class -L ata leduced price. Picase cali ami examine at 88 S. Main St., Corner of Williams. FOR SALE.- 30 acres on Chubb St. in acre or ttve acre lots or all topethpr. Lon" time, sniall payment, 6 percent interest. Jas H. McDonald, 42 Mollat Building, Detroit' MIoli. WANTED- l'osition by competent pastry cook. Cioort reasons for leaving present positipn. Miss Lena Rivers, general delivery 17-19 FARM ÏO RENT- about 200 acres plow land at Saline, Mich. Good fences and barns. Water in barns. Cali on A. M. Clark, 47 S. División st., Ann Arbor. or A. F. Clark, Saline, Mico. VyANTED- A MAN in every section at once to sel 1 s tapie g-oods to dealers; no peddllnp;: experience unnecessary; bestside line. $75.00 a month. Salary and expenses or larirc commiBsion made. Address, with 2 cent stamp for sealed particulars, Clifton Soapand Manufacturing Company, Cincinnuti, Ohio. ÜOlt RENT- Rooms for light housekeeping ■ also use of nice barn, water in the houie Enquire at 14 Lawrenee st. lü-24. POULTRY' wantod- market piice paid for all kinds of Poultry, at the corner of Fii'th andSummitStreets. V. C. Weeks _ Oo. Ann Arbor. fOR SALE CHEAP-My house and lot on the corner of Traver and Pontiac streets in the l ifth wara of the city of Ann Arbor. A desirable location for wood or ooal yard Bv the side of T.& A. A. tracks. William Actioii January 23, 1895. n TO REÍT.-At No. 2" S. StateSt. & flat of sixrnoms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf plANO TUNINU.-A. D. Brown, the well I kuown piano tuner with C J.Whitney, wil) be in .he city snon. Orders left at the arous ott,'c wul receive his attentlon. IÏKKSONS intending to put outmaple orelm - i trees houlii correppoiid with I1. H. O'BKIEN Wiiittiiker, H)B SALK OU UENT.- Large new oouse with rtll modern iiripi-ovemeius. ctetexn ftrt cltv water in htupc uïkJ ell near door. Will t:i!.;i' in part PMynient sniall house or lot orsrnuli favm :.:;.! ■ ; .'..:::■ .n loog tiuie und low li'tcreel.. f' O Uox 13J5. THE ABT AMATEUR Best and Lar-fst Practical Art Magazine. Tbeonly Art Perlndleni awarded a Medal at the World's Ha v.) Invaluohle t li trim wl tn make tlu Ir living ;; 'fit itr Ut TMf' th' ir bomen hrniil'fvi Ffr Kif WGWUI s.'iul to itny uno a jfc TUI I v l mciitiriniri'.' 'his I f lp üon a specimen oopy. with Kupcrh JLvrW ulo platen (foroopylnj; oi' framlnifj md 8 suppleinentary paprs-(i oiiiiaris'rpg'ulflr Drice. :tóc). Or FOK 5e we vtiti si-ud lsu I IalnliUK for Bejeiiitiers"ilK) pacs; HONTAGl'E IHAHKN, 3 l'mou Square. ?. V. I 1


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News