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Estáte of Elizabeth Norton. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. 88. Ataarssion ot the Prn. bate Court ibr ihecountyot' WaHhteiiaw, hoiden at the I'robate Office in tht iify "i Aun Arlior. ou Weduesiny. th' tiih day of March, in lie ycar une thousandelght huudreri and uinety-five. l'reaent, J. Wilhiril Rntibitt, Judge ofProbate. Id the matter of tho estuto ol Klizaheth Norton, deceaaed. On readinj; and flling the petition, luly verifli dof Jdmund Holn-on, praying thnt the adniinisivation de Ifonia non witb the will aunexpd of siid estáte may be granted te Geurde A. Sniiih or som other suitable pereon. Thereupon it is oidered, that Tncsday, the lecond dny of A]ril ne.xt. at ten o'clock iu Uie forenoon, be aisigni:d fur the hearing of said petition and that the heirs ut lawofnld deceased, and uil other personb interedted in said ostut e are requind to ■ppc-ur at a ■eulou of Miid eourt, then to be holden at the Probate Ollice in the city nf Aun Arbor, and show cause it any [htm he, wliy ilie prayer of the petitiotier j Khotild DOt !■ graulVd: And il is further ordered that aaid petiflonej yive notice tothe persons nteresied in sail estáte oí tbc pendoncy ot said petition and tbc hearing thcitoí i f causing a copy of tina order to bc publisheil in the Aks Akdob I ArOus, a uewKpaptr priutei and nrcnlated in I said county, thteesuccessive weekn previoua to said d:iv ol1 Iteitri uy. ■I.WJLIJVttDBABBITT, [A true copv.1 Judge of Probate Wm. G. DOXY, Probate Rtiiluter. Estáte of Henry R. Watson. IJTATEOF MICBIGAN, COÜNTY O of Wabhtenaw, as. At a seasion ot 'bt Probatt Court for Ihi1 County of Wash tena?, holípn atth? probóte Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. od Qlauvsday, the 14tb ilay of March, in tbr year one thmisarid eifht hundretl and nmety five. Preseut, J. WiÜHrd itabhiu, .ïiulgi'of Probate. In tte matter of the esiate of ïlenry H. Watson, deceascd. On readini and tilinji the petitio, dïily verified, of Firlilhi B Watson prayinpthat the Hdministration de bouis non wïih the will nnnexd ol Baid patate raay he granted 10 Williain II. Davcnport, orsome other suitable peraon. Tbereupon it ia ortlered, that the ïth dav of AprJ iiixt, at ten o'clock in the torenoon, be aaaieued For tlie bt-ariug of suid petilion, and that the heirs atlaw of suid deceawd, and all other peraone interesied in said estáte, are required to appear at ïipssinn of Hid court th u to be holdi e at Probate office in the HtyofAiin irbor, and hvi caUBe, ií any tliere be, why the prnyer of the petitioner Bhould not bo ernntod : And it isturthei onJord that eoid petitioner give Dotue to the peiaona ïnttTi-ated ín sid ostateof the pprujfncy M said petition, and the hearitiK tbereof, ny cauanip acojy of thia order to be pnbltahed o ihe An Aubuk Argus, a newHpnper printeO and circtilited in Bid couuty, three suooessive week (jrevious te sa'd Hay of hearing. J. WITJ-AUn íiAlíBIT'r. [A truecopy.] Judge of J'robnt. Wm. 4J. Dhty. "robnt Uifister Estáte ot Seth T. Otis. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COüNTY of Washteaaw, B8. At i pession of the Pnbate Court fur the Countv of Washttnnw, holden at th Trobutc Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the I5U) day of Murch, in the yearone tbousnnd cigl-t hundred and ninety-fiye, Prepent, J . VVillvid Babbitt. Judee of Probate. In the matter of the e.state of Seth T. Otla, di.'?eascd. Dase) K. Otis, ndministrator, etc.ot saúl estáte, ooines in to court and representa that he is now prepurecl to recder hls final ticcoiint aa sucia administra tor, etc. Tbereupon itis ordered, thut Tuesdayr the I6th day of April next, at ton o'clork in the forenoon, be aB9Íned ior examining and allowing such account, and that that the dcviseess Jegutees and heirs at law ol said ueCeuHod, and all other persons intereated in Baid estáte are required to appear at a session of Bai'1 coirt, then to bü holden at the Probate Office in the city oí Ann Arbor, in Baid county. Hnd show cause, il any thero be, why the .said account shouid not be allowed. And it U further orderetl, tliat said aiiniinistriitor give uotice U) the persons intereatod in suid estato of tlie pendency of naid account and the licarinr lhere"l", by oausing 1 copj of thie j order to be publishod in tlie Ann a kbok Akgus, ,1 D0W8pap4r printed and jirculatïai in Baid county, three succesaive weeks pruvious to said day of I hearing J. WILLARÜ BABBÍTT. [A fruecopy.] Jodtíeof Probate. Wm. i. Doty. Probate RpKisti-r Estáte ot Emeline Drake. STATK OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, na. At a seasio of the Probatr Court for th County of Washtenaw, hoidtn at the Probat Ofïic? in the City ot Ann Arl.or, on Tjcsday, the lg li day oi Mar h, in thE yeur one tbousand elft ut tiuudredund nicety-tive. Present, J.Willurd tiabbitt, Ju4re of Probnte. In the matter oí the estatf of Kmeline Drake, deceased. C'n readijje and ftllng the pctïtioo dnly verüied of Héctor Drake, prflyiog tbat aüminiStxaUon l gaid estáte may be grttnted io bini-c'l , or som e o tiit r Bultablfl pt'ioii. TherL'iipou it ib ordered, that Tue-day, tbc iRth day of April nxt. al ten o'clock in the forc-nnon, ue aaBÍgned fur the hearing of í-aid potition, and that the hfirs at law of mud decdased and all othei persuns ïnterested in síiid estáte, are required fo appear at a (tensión of suid Court, tbw tobe holden at the Probate Ofïice, in th; city of Aun Arbor, and show eaupu, if any thee be, why theprayerof the pt'titiooer houit notbegranted: And ii ia fnrther of dered , that siiid betiUoner give notice to thepereoiiH inicrestediu iud estáte oí the pendency oísaid petition, und the hcarinrr ihereof, liTcausinif a copy ol this order 10 be published in the Ann Akbok Ahi;is, a newspaper pnnted and circulated in aut County, three successive weeks previous to atid day of hou r i uu. J. WILUAKD KABBITT, LA truc copv] Judife ofProbate. Wii.i.iA.v G. rOTY. Probate Recistcr. C K. WILLIAMS. Attorae? at La? and Pension Claim AUorner, MILÁN, MICH. ! Conveyancinï and Collectious. 1


Ann Arbor Argus
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