: y ill Fiml Opening in 8TOCK RAISERS, tAItMKKS. LUMBERBÍEN, MlNElíS, MANTJPACTUKEKS, M1ÍUCHANTS, "The Treasure State." TC1 L Ck VJ O lookiiig for looatious are invitedto investígate tueopportuuities offered YJTJ ■'ö J i X C3 to all classes In oneof the most resourceful States in the Union . AdI aress the Secretarvof the Board of Tradf, GREAT FALLS, Montaua. Seoretary of Board of Trado, KALI3FELL. Montuna, tkícrotary of Board of Trade, HELENA, Montana, SecrerJ of Board of Trade, BÜTT& Montana, or F. I. WHITNEY, G. V. & T. A., Q. N. Ky., St. al.M'nnesota.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News