Board Democratic
The election returns from the county are more meager than ever before. Enough is learned however to show that the republicans have carried the connty by over five hundred on the state and county tickets. Practically the only returns from most towns has been in the county school commissionership. Wedemayer evidently running a little ahead, especially in the western part of the county, gaining 139 on the state ticket in Sylvan, and largely in Lima, his former home. Mr. Hammond ran way ahead in Ypsilanti, carrying the city by 30, while the republican state ticket carried the city by 82. The reported majorities in the precincts heard from for Wedemayer are: Ann Arbor city, 190; Ann Arbor town, 22; Lima, 81; Lyndon, 12; Manchester, 20; Salem, 90; Saline, 64; Scio, 30; Sylvan, 209; Webster, 65; York, 5; Ypsilanti, 43. The towns to hear from will probably give a small democratie niajority.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News