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Board Of Supervisors

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The deraocrats of the county have retained control of the board of supervisors. They gain two supervisors in Ann Arbor city and lose one in Manchester and in Northfield, while the republicans gain the new seat in Anu Arbor city. The board stands deraocrats 15, republicans 13, with Superior to hear from. Ann Arbor City: First ward, William K. Childs, R. Secondward, EugeneOesterlin,D. Third ward, Jacob J. Fischer, R. Fourth ward, Joseph Donnelly,D. Fifth ward, James Boyle, D. Sixth ward, Arthur J. Kitson, R. Seventh ward, Evart H. Scott, R. Ann Arbor town, Con. L. Tuomey, D. Augusta, S. S. Bibbins, R. Bridgewater, George Waker, D. Dexter, Thomas McQuillan, D. Freedom, Michael J. Alber, D. Lima, VValter H. Dancer, D. Lodi, Michael Grosshans, D. Lyndon, James Howlett, D. Manchester, William H. Burtless,R. Northfield, Emery E. Leiand, R. Pittsfield, Mortimer F. Case, R. Salem, Fred Wheeler, R. Saline, Edward A. Hauser, R. Scio, Byron Whittaker, D. Sharon, William F. Hall, D. Superior, Sylvan, Hiram Lighthall, D. Webster, Edwin Ball, R. York, Alfred Davenport, D. Ypsilanti town, James L. Hunter,R. Ypsilanti City: First district, B. M. Damon, R. Second " James Forsythe, D.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News