Y. W. C. A. Entertainment. Several months ago the Ann Arbor Organ company placed a handsome piano in the rooms of the Young Woman's Christian association, and it has added to the attractiveness of the rooms, been a help in the Sunday afternoon meeting, and in the musicclass, of which Mr. Prof. Kempf has charge. The association has asked nocontributions towards the purchase of a piano, but cali your attention to the third in a series of entertainments having for their aim the raising of a sum for this purpose - this entertainment will be given at Newberry hall, Thursday evening, April 4, under the direction of Miss MacMonagle.who has an enthusiastic class in elocution among the girls of the association. Excellent work has been done by this class, who will take part in the program. Miss MacMonagle has a private class in elocution and delsarte who will also furnish part of the evening's entertainment. Music will be given by MissEmma Fischer and other friends of the association. Miss Luella Granger will sing; Miss Winnie Depue has a recitation and song, and Miss Myra Henion gives a gypsie selection with costume and music. Not the least attractive part of the program will be the pantomine, "Jesus, lover of my soul," by eleven little girls. The beautiful hymn will be sung as a duet buring this pantomine. Program begins at 7:45. Adnoission to cents.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News