The Secret Told
It is oftea a diffienlfc task to remove soft solder from gold jewelry requiring (o be repaired. Scraping and snbsequeut treatineut with acid are coramonly used, but are often dangerons to soine articles. A liitherto secret method of treatnseufc eiuployed at a large establishment in London is as follows: To 8 ounces of muriatic acid add an onnce of croons and shake well. To an onnce of this mixture add 4 ounces of hot water, place in an earthen dish and keep up the heat by means of a gas fĂame. Upon introduciug the oft solderedarticleinto the solution the result is said to be all thafc could be wished. Between 1870 and 1800 over 7,000 patents were granted in Enrope and America for various devices connected with electrio lighting. Lynn, Mass., was narued frozn Lyun, Fnarlanr]. Th name means a dooL
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News