Indiana Woods Fire-swept
Franklin, April 1.- Forest flros have been raging in Brown county during the greater part of the last weck, and much damage has been done. The most destructive flre is reported just north of Nashville or about the center of the county. The lires have been conflned principally to the timber, but some losses to buildings and personal property are also reported. The flre re;iched its height during the high wind, and aniong other losses reportad was that of the residence of Jes3e Harding, tocether with all the outbuildings on his farm. The flres havo now subsided to an appreciable extent, especuilly where great efforts have been put forth to check the spread of the flamea. The flolds and timber are very dry, as no rain has fallen for a considerable length of time and this mrtkes the ílnal outoome very uncertain, as another blustery day without rain would make the situation more serlous than at any timo since the con flagration started. English, Ind., April 1.- The forest fires in the southern part of Indiana continue ;o burn and do much damago. All the )uildings owned by Hquire Willlam í'inch, James L. and. George Felker, inuding household goods, farm machínry, etc., were total ly destroyed. The Iobs will aggregate many thousand dollars. Near Millersburg, on the línobs, and at Haussdale thousands of dollars worth of timber has beu burned. New Albany, April 1.- The town of Borden, eighteen miles north of here on Monon rond. was alinost surrounded by forest lires and it is estiraated that the loss to property vvlll be nearly f30,UÜÜ. The lire got within a mile of tho limits oí the town and the citizens were on the alert for tho apprókoh of the fliime? A large bat-n and a number oí outbulldinga owned by C. W. Miller and other proporly were burned.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News